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Antarctica Is Melting, Melting I Tell You

By December 12, 2023Commentary

Among the favorite climate hysteric lies is that Greenland and Antarctica are melting and will flood every coast in the world.  There is as usual no evidence to support this claim, but that doesn’t matter to climate whackos; they just make up data and research and they always have fake models to fall back on.  One of the most unfortunate and inconvenient facts for the hysterics is that Antarctic ice extent and mass are quite variable and while there has been a minor average ice loss over recent decades, there are years of gain and years of loss, also known as natural variability.  This article discusses the amount of ice mass gain in the 2021-22 winter and attributes it to unusual amounts of precipitation, i.e. snow.  (Ant. Study)   There is no reason to think that the fluctuations have anything to do with increases in atmospheric CO2.  And here are some actual numbers.  Antarctic ice mass is estimated at over 24 million gigatons.  The supposed average annual loss over the last two decades was about 150 gigatons (a reader alertly pointed out that I wrote the tons number wrong, it was much smaller).  Most of that supposed loss was occurring in West Antarctica, on the peninsula, while East and Central Antartica are gaining mass.

And here is an even more incovenient study in the prestigious journal Nature, finding that the ice variability in Antarctica can be completely explained by a normal cycles of two weather phenomenon in the pacific ocean.  The authors, because they have to to get a climate article published, try to find some way to relate this to human activity, but you can tell they know this is a half-baked idea.  (Nature Study) 

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  • Simon Whychwood says:

    Thanks for highlighting these 2 studies. However, isn’t the value you report for “The supposed average annual loss over the last two decades” too LARGE? According to the first study it’s ~ 150 Gt, not 150 thousand Gt which, if true, would be genuinely alarming!

  • joethenonclimatescientist says:

    The yearly and decadal fluctuations in the amount of melting of Antarctic ice and the freezing of Antarctic ice over the last 100 or so years has been too small to ascertain whether a trend actually exists.

    The following two studies in nature give an indication of agenda driven studies that dominate the field of climate science

    The first article linked discusses the projected increase in jet stream winds (30,000 ft to 45,000 ft). Summarizing the conclusion ” we have no data showing an actual increase, but our study confirms that climate change will cause an increase in wind speeds.

    the second study shows the increase in “extreme weather events” over the last 50 years and since 1900. Several charts show massive increases in extreme weather events (albeit using visuals that make it appears that the increases are much greater than actual. Though the bigger problem with the study is that there is no adjustment of observational deficiencies. ie storms in the early years that didnt get recorded as “extreme ” because no one as around to observe or if it was observed, measuring devices were not available to measure the event.

    Numerous hurricane studies show the increase in hurricane intensity, and the projected increase in intensity due to climate change, yet I have located only one study that admitted that after adjusting for observational deficiencies, that there has been no trend over the last 150 years.

  • Hoss says:

    Ur English in the last parenthetical needs to be corrected

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