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Funniest Story of the Day

By March 27, 2024Commentary

Renewable energy is a joke for many reasons.  Recent research suggests that the infra-sound from wind turbines is a threat to many life forms.  But my favorite occurrences are when weather destroys renewable energy production, as it often does.  Here is a story about a hailstorm in Texas completely wrecking a large solar plant.  It doesn’t take a genius to recognize how likely it is for any solar plant, except one in a desert to be routinely exposed to this hazard.  So when we are totally dependent on wind and solar, and the sun doesn’t shine, the wind doesn’t blow, or hail or high winds destroy the infrastructure, where will our electricity come from?  And note as an extra bonus, this destruction cause environmental contamination with very dangerous substances.   (WUWT Post)

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  • R C Dean says:

    “It doesn’t take a genius to recognize how likely it is for any solar plant, except one in a desert to be routinely exposed to this hazard.”

    As a desert dweller (Tucson AZ), I can tell you that we get monsoons, which are often strong to very strong thunderstorms, sometimes with hail. I grew up in tornado alley, in North Texas, and with one exception the worst thunderstorms I’ve seen are during the monsoon in Tucson.

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