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Will There Ever Be a Study Showing Lots of CV-19 Vax Serious Adverse Events?

By March 4, 2024Commentary

The answer so far is no.  Here is another very large, comprehensive study, this one from Denmark, including all those over 65 who took the most recent booster.  The researchers looked for 28 serious adverse events posited to be related to CV-19 vaccines.  They compared rates among vaccinees to background rates.  No evidence was found for any increased risk for any of the adverse events, although some are so rare that the level of statistical precision was not high.   (JAMA Article)

I know it makes no difference to the vaccine safety nuts that there is study after study done using very large populations and very good claims and/or EHR data, for theirs is the kingdom of belief, which of course trumps actual data and research.  It is a bizarre, bizarre world we live in.

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