This story out of Maine seems credible to me, and it is made more credible by the fact that Maine’s public officials, all Democrats, refuse to investigate, when doing so would easily rebut them if they were false. The refusal to even examine the allegations tells me all I need to know–they are almost certainly true, and Democrats are not only the likely beneficiaries but probably organize and implement the illegal voting by non-citizens. And just as in Minnesota, the mainstream Maine media has shown no interest in investigating or reporting on anything that might hurt Dems.
The authors of the story, apparently aided by sources within Maine’s government, used records from the state’s health care program, which provides free health care to non-citizens, including it seems, those here illegally, and from its voter rolls to identify that a large percentage of non-citizens, in a relatively small sample, were registered to vote and voted. Since these are public records, an official investigation would be very simple and inexpensive. There is simply no reason for the state not to conduct a comprehensive investigation and either debunk the claims or if they are found to be true, come up remedies.
I don’t want to exaggerate the extent of non-citizen voting, but I firmly believe it not only occurs but is actively encouraged and abetted by the Democrat party, which should itself be investigated and punished for these actions. (Maine Wire Story)
Two data scientists, who analyzed the 2020 (s)election information, summarized by saying, “If this were your bank account data, you would want to know what was going on. And this is much more important than anyone’s bank account.”
Was there vote fraud in Florida – 2000 bush v Gore?
A) precints around Miami reported vote totals much later in the night than most every precint in the state. Why?
B) Very difficult to get dimpled and hanging chad when punching one ballot at a time,
C) Very easy to get dimpled ballot and hanging chad when punching multiple ballots at a single time.
D) considerable number of dimpled ballots without stylis scratches on the card.
the above are all circumstantial evidence, though it should raise questions