The absolute worst of the truly stupid and fear-driven responses to the CV-19 epidemic was closing schools. Children were known to be at basically zero risk. There was no evidence that they were significant transmission vectors, especially to Grandma and Grandpa. The usual fear-mongering, looking at you here, Fat Timmy Walz, the Wannabee Rockette, was used to justify these futile and immensely damaging actions. Children’s social lives were ruined. They learned nothing. Huge numbers of students, especially minorities, dropped out for good. Many turned to crime, carjacking and robberies in particular. Others turned to drugs or committed suicide. Children were anxious and depressed, many children were had difficulty learning to speak due to constant masking. This was an absolute case of child abuse.
And new research confirms what anyone with a brain, so I qualify and Little Timmy doesn’t, knew–that the school closures wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference in slowing the spread and that schools being open did not lead to more serious illness or deaths. The authors examined the evidence from five countries after schools re-opened in those countries, finding zero association with more hospitalizations or deaths after those reopenings. The corollary is that if they were never closed we would have seen the same hospitalization and death rates. (JI Article)
There must be investigations and a reckoning for the officials who implemented, by decree, not by legislation, this abusive and futile destruction of our children’s lives. I personally firmly believe that Timmy should be imprisoned one year for every year of meaningful life he took from Minnesota’s children, in other words, for the rest of his unnatural life with no hope of parole.
During 2020 & throughout 2021 I was surprised by the numerous leftists that defended remote learning and denied the impairment in the quality of education that the students were receiving via zoom.
This points out another ancillary issue on credibility. When leftist so adamantly defend what is obviously wrong, how can you trust their credibility in other areas of science.
Completely agree. It was obvious to anyone who had put an ounce of thought into it that closing schools would do nothing to help and a whole lot to hurt. But the narrative had been set and people are afraid to go against the narrative, regardless of consequences. If you even asked a question, you’d get shot down and called the worst kind of names. There’s emails of Timmy encouraging his HHS secretary to make the argument that youth sports of all things were making old people sick at nursing homes and then hiring a marketing firm to do so. There was obvious evidence that it had nothing to needing to keep people healthy and they would do whatever they had to to keep the state shut down, yet people didn’t care and still voted all of these people back in.
While I’m greatly encouraged by what’s happening the last week and a half at the federal level, I’m still skeptical that anything is going to change at the state level. After putting us through hell for 2+ years, Minnesota voters went back and re-elected Timmy by a large margin and gave Dems both houses of the state legislature. We had a bit more success in 2024 by gaining a few seats to get the state house to a tie, but that’s only a very small victory. The Twin Cities metro is still almost completely blue all of the way out to outer suburbs that used to be solid red. And while I no illusions that we’d come close to winning the state senate seat in NE Mpls this week, I thought we’d at least make a little bit of progress. Instead, the Dem got 89%+ of the vote. How are wealthy communities like Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, and Plymouth voting 60%+ for a Dem? How is Edina going 70%+ for Dems? And these are not “moderate” Dems that are being elected. They might pretend to be moderate close to elections and even cast a vote or two that seems conservative, but only when their vote is not needed. Make no mistake, they’ll vote with the Dems whenever they’re actually needed. The 2023 legislative session is the best evidence of that. Until we can win some of these outer suburbs again, we’ll never have sanity again. And if we ever want to win a statewide race, we need to at least compete elsewhere in the metro even if we don’t win individual legislative races.
Other than 34A and 37A in the far NW part of Hennepin County (Corcoran, Medina, Rogers, extreme west Maple Grove), the Republicans don’t control a single seat and get absolutely blown out in most of it. I’m not sure what the answer is to reversing the tide, but we can’t get blown out like this in the state’s most populous county if we want anything to change. I’m open to discussions of voter fraud being a part of it, but even if true the question is what are we going to do about it?
Did you mean to have a link to this research?
thank you, fixed now with link