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Climate Hysteria Corrected, January 27, 2025

By January 27, 2025Commentary

Here is another wild claim from the climate hysterics–immense global warming is causing changes in important ocean current systems.  One of these systems is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which runs up along the eastern coast of the US and over near England and Europe.  For years the hysterics have been saying its weakening and disaster will ensue, although they can’t decide among themselves if it will make us warmer or colder, melt a ton of ice or make glaciers cover North America again.  This paper examines data around variability in this current and what it might be linked to, but finds that it really hasn’t weakened from 1963 to 2017, a pretty long period.  I will once again remind you that Al Gore most famously declared the Arctic to be ice free a couple of decades ago, and the ice extent there is as large or larger than when he made that prediction.  Everyone needs to realize these people lie constantly and the reason they lie is the usual one–because they make money doing it.  Al Gore now has over $300 million, all earned from government subsidies supporting fake renewable energy.  DON’T BELIEVE ANY OF THE HYSTERICS GARBAGE!   (Nature Study)

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