It became apparent during the epidemic that there can be some generalized immune response to all common coronaviruses. So researchers explored whether prior exposure to one of the four common seasonal coronaviruses seemed to help limit a CV-19 infection, and some also have looked at whether a CV-19 infection may prompt a response against the seasonal coronaviruses. The study concluded that prior infection did provide such protection, through certain T cells, but vaccination did not. Nature knows best. (Science Article)
Researchers are still unraveling why CV-19 causes so many harms to the human body. This study finds that CV-19 spike protein binds to fibrin creating blood clots leading to strokes and other thrombic damage. The fibrin also collects in the brain, leading to inflammatory damage which may be responsible for some of the cognitive damage after CV-19 infections. Treating patients with anti-fibrin antibodies may help reduce the damage. (Nature Study)
This study discusses why the CV-19 vaccines did not appear to create a durable, strong immune response. They lost effectiveness against infection very quickly and even effectiveness against serious disease lessened after a few months. The researchers found that a certain class of immune cell, bone marrow long-lived plasma cells, is low in number or absent following mRNA vaccination. Those cells, normally formed after infection or vaccination, are responsible for helping with a quick response to a new infection, so their absence helps explain why reinfections of CV-19 are so common. (Nature Article)
Nursing home residents were heavy casualties of the CV-19 epidemic. Part of this was likely due to poor health, but some was due to crowded conditions and failure to segregate sick patients and staff, and in some cases, to sent sick non-residents into the nursing home. This study was conducted well after the end of the primary epidemic, when almost every resident and staff member had multiple vaccinations. Notwithstanding that, a number of each group became infected during the study period and indications were that the peak of infectiousness was early in the infection, when the person was asymptomatic or presymptomatic. (SSRN Study)
And this is another study in nursing homes, in Sweden, this time evaluating protection against infection after the last booster dose. For whatever truly dumb reason, multiple vaccine doses are still being pushed on these people, which may actually lessen their response. The study shows extremely rapid waning of any protection against infection or death, so what do the authors recommend? More frequent vaccine doses!! It is like we have learned nothing. (SSRN Study)
Lockdowns to prevent the spread of an infectious respiratory virus are really smart, right? I mean, they will definitely suppress the virus, didn’t we see that? Not what these authors found, in fact was that lockdowns changed the immune response of individuals, making their systems more likely to over-react, potentially leading to serious health issues. (SD Article)
I am probably sounding like a broken record by now.
While I agree that the vax does/did reduce the severity and/or death rates for a portion of the population, I remain skeptical of the “claimed” / “Reported” extent that the vax reduced the death rates. Far too many data points which would indicate much lower effectiveness than reported. Most , if not all, of the studies show per capita death rates of the unvaxed to be 5x-10x the death rates for the unvaxed.
A) unvaxed death rates Nov Dec 2020 for the 65+ age group was approximately 50 per week per 100k. Death rates of the unvaxed in Nov dec 2021 for the 65+ age group were about 180 to 220 per week per 100k. Its highly unlikely that there was an increase in unvaxed death rates of 3x-5x.
B) with 80+% of the 65 + age group vaxed and 80+% of deaths occuring in the 65+ age group, there simply wasnt enough vunerable individuals to have such high total deaths.
c) this is ancedotal, though because of my work, and social circle, i personally know approx 300 individuals who caught covid, approximately 1/3 being unvaxed. With the exception of 7-8 individuals, there were no observable differences in the severity of the covid infection based on their vax status. (with the caveat that I do not know anyone that died from covid, thus my personal sample may be skewed).
My unscientific (educated guess) is that the reduction in deaths via the protection of the vax is only 1/3 of the amount claimed.
Fascinating stuff … the truth is finally coming out in the mainstream science journals, apparently.