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Minnesota Is a Great State for Starting a Business, According to Little Timmy

By January 16, 2025Commentary

The nation now knows what most of Minnesota has known for years–Tim Walz is incapable of telling the truth, if he speaks, he is lying.  The Incompetent Blowhard and Wannabee Rockette has said that Minnesota is a great state for doing business, according to some made-up data.  A group called Simplify, LLC looked at six categories–job creation, consumer spending, inflation, business growth, corporate taxes and educated worker migration–to rank states by desirability to entrepreneurs–people starting companies.  Minnesota ranked next third from the bottom and its score dropped significantly from last year, by 20 places.  One reason is that Minnesota has the highest corporate tax rate in the nation.  Minnesota had extremely low new business startups.  Minnesota is also losing educated workers to other states.  Under Dayton and Walz, Minnesota sucks as a place to start or run a business.    (Simplify Release)

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