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We Are a Doomed Society

By January 13, 2025Commentary

I know a lot of people are very optimistic about the new administration and the potential to reverse pernicious trends that have so damaged our country.  Recent events make it hard, however, to not do an assessment that is more sobering.  If you pay attention it has been apparent that many people in our country, and especially young people, have extremely warped value systems.  Majorities of young people think censorship of viewpoints that they don’t like is not just okay, but good.  Similar majorities actually endorse violence to achieve such suppression.  A majority think killing the leaders of organizations they don’t approve of, like a health care company, is admirable.  They display open anti-semitism, racism and other abhorrent behaviors.  Many don’t really believe in hard work or the free market system.  They have little sense of patriotism or willingness to defend their country.  Many are unable to form meaningful romantic relationships, friendships or even get out of their parents’ basements.

Having so many members of your youngest generations display these characteristics is disheartening and a clear warning sign for what is to come.  Perhaps they will change these attitudes and behaviors, but all nations go through low times, and most at some point go into a long-term decline.  We may be on the cusp of that era.  Coupled with this problem is our financial situation, almost unmanageable debt and endless large deficits.  I don’t see Trump making significant strides on that issue.  Encouraging faster growth will only go so far in solving it.

For too long we have also ignored the actions of our adversaries to undermine our society.  China hacks into every important computer system we have.  It gathers information on every American and uses apps like TikTok to influence them.  It has spies everywhere in the country.  And we do nothing.  We make it impossible to have an effective military and military equipment industry by throwing up environmental and other roadblocks, so that China is easily and quickly surpassing our capability to defend ourselves.  Russia for decades has spent immense sums of money undermining our culture and economy, and those of our allies, propping up environmental groups and other advocacy organizations, again with really no response from our government.

People in this country of all ages have no appetite for any sacrifice, any change that might benefit the country as a whole, if they perceive it may hurt them in some way.  We all leach off governments in some way or another, which is one reason our debt is so troublesome.  We can’t fix our financial problems without changing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government handout programs.  We need to insist that people who can work, do work or get no benefits.  There is generally no willingness to accept these changes.

And more broadly, we have no sense of national purpose, no clear large objectives for our society.  Maybe I am unduly pessimisstic, maybe we can pull out of this and especially change the course of our younger people, but I am inclined to be more realistic and accept that we created such a mess that there is no road out that is acceptable to the majority of voters.  That is a sad thing to think for such a wonderful country that for over two centuries has done so much to raise living standards for so many people and to protect freedom and democracy around the world, helping others to have the potential of creating a country as good as ours.

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Mike Malecha says:

    Kevin, I concur with your sentiments. We are an empire and all empires in recorded history have died. Here is an interesting study


  • Pamela says:

    I, sadly…have to agree with mantra has become “I’m glad I’m old and lived most my life in much better times” We have no grandkids to worry over, just two wonderful daughters, and we’ve lived good lives! We went on our bucket list Trip to see Rome, etc. and finished with a Mediteran Cruise a few months ago, so got that done!! The world seems to be heading towards another big “reset”…time will tell. How sad is that!!

  • Larry says:

    I agree, but let’s give the Trump admin & Musk 6 months, then see where we are at. Likewise see if RFK can impact HHS in some productive way. However, I am skeptical the Fed budget can be reduced with the tiny and divided Repub majority in The House. Can the S border become secure, and substantial deportations achieved?

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