The rest of America is secure from Fat Timmy’s depredations, but Minnesota is just beginning to feel the after-effects of his radical legislation and profligate spending. While the state’s economy declines as the wealthy and their businesses flee the state, the looming budget deficit that was obvious to anyone with a brain, which leaves Little Timmy out, is becoming a reality. The state released its most recent update to the Minnesota budget and fiscal situation. Residents of our benighted state will recall that the state had a massive $20 billion dollar surplus. Our idiot Governor, the pathetic liar and Incompetent Blowhard, Little Timmy Walz, and his whacked pro(re)gressive colleagues spent every bit of it and added on $10 billion more in taxes. Inane policy. He lied about tax cuts and instead embarked on programs that will bankrupt businesses and the state.
Well, the future is here. The surplus is going, going, gone, replaced by large deficits as far as the eye can see. We started out with a modest surplus for the current fiscal period. In the next one, the surplus is gone and given the trend with each update, it probably is gone in reality. But even worse is the projection for the future which now shows a $5 billion deficit. I am guessing it will be far worse, as revenue dries up with our working citizens and taxpayers leaving, and being replaced with high cost illegal and legal immigrants. And if there is a recession, the state is complete toast. (MMB Report)
The report is clearly authored by Timmy’s minions. They downplay the reality of the state’s economic situation. They can’t, however, ignore that employment growth has been slower than the authors’ prior projections. As has economic growth in the state, which exclusively consists of government spending in any event. With a deficit, it simply isn’t possible to prop up the state’s fantasy budgets any longer. Minnesota spends a phenomenal $60 billion dollars every biennium in a state with a relatively small population. Government is bloated, waste and fraud are rampant, and no Democrat wants to do anything about it. Things can only get worse and they will.
And has Fat Timmy learned anything? Nope. Nada. Nil. Zip. His brain is an immense vacuity. In fact in a press conference when asked if he would seek a tax increase, he basically said yes. The man is a complete dunce, a fraud, and a liar of unparalleled accomplishments. Webster’s now has his picture in the definition of liar, with no additional words needed.
Couldn’t agree more Kevin. I (painfully) read the entire report. You don’t have to read between the lines to see what we’re in for 2 years out. The report really can’t hide any of the fiscal ineptness that has lead to this point. Page 40 chart on employment say it all. The only real job growth in MN has been in the Government sector. The only option Walz has is to increase revenue, which is really our money and higher taxes. When asked about the deficit only a few years out, he essentially said, we won’t worry about that now. If my broker said that, I’d fire him/her on the spot. There’s no common sense here. If you continue to spend more than you take in, this is where you end up. The report tries to put whipped cream on shit. Problem is, it’s still shit.
The ultimate insult awaits — once he’s out of office he’ll move to a Southern state that’s warmer and has no income tax. (Or at least a far lower tax burden.)
FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25
All Other: $18,515 (Bil.) $10,006 (Bil.)
So, he’s gonna cut “All Others” by $8.5 Billion to balance the budget. I wonder what’s included in “All Others” expenditures?
Correction: FY 2026-27 $10,515
Is it safe to presume Kevin did not vote for Timmy?
the problem is that over half the state of Minnesota thinks he is telling the truth and believes in his governace and considers him a man of high character.
We should worry more about his comments about running for a third term. Our Legislature should focus on that not happening during the 2025 session. God help us! He actually thought he and Harris were winning the election. That is how little he grasps the empty seats past the cheerleading section.