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Climate Hysteria, December 5, 2024

By December 5, 2024Commentary

There is no sense to this hysteria if you look at all.  This WUWT post is worth a full read because in understandable language it covers a number of key concepts in understanding temperature trends and measurement issues.  It covers the past 4000 years, only a very small fraction of which has actual credible measured temperatures.  The rest are “proxy” temperatures which inherently have serious issues and wide ranges.  But you can see the general trend over centuries.  We have been up and we have been down.  We have had higher temperatures than we have now several times.  We have seen just as rapid a temperature rise, or fall, several times before.  Gee, you might even conclude it is all due to natural cycles.  And please note, cold temperatures are way worse for development of human civilization than warm ones are.   (WUWT Post)

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