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Thanksgiving 2024

By November 28, 2024Commentary

If you want to be happy in life, focus on the things that you feel are going well, that make you happy or at least content, and minimize obsessing with what you aren’t happy about.  If you aren’t able to find something to be happy about, then maybe consider a wholesale change–move, learn a new trade or occupation, find some engaging hobbies.

And above all be thankful for being alive.  We didn’t ask for it, but here we are and we are given one opportunity to make something of our lives.  And everyone else is on the same journey, so have empathy and compassion and strengthen your relationship with family and friends.  Those social connections have multiple benefits; they improve your mental health, which improves your physical health.  Helping other people is one of the best ways to feel better about yourself and to accomplish something good.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful that the election is over and hopeful, but not optimistic, that we can somehow dampen the sense of division in the country.  I confess to being relieved that Trump won, not because I like him but because at least he will interrupt the craziness which was taking over every aspect of our public life.  I am grateful for all those who create things I enjoy–books I read, music I listen to, movies and shows I watch, sports teams I follow.  I am deeply appreciative of all those who toil anonymously to make all our lives in this wealthy nation function well–the truck drivers and shelf stockers, the retail clerks and other staff, the tradespeople, law enforcement, military personnel.  These people have physically demanding jobs and often go un-thanked.  I try to acknowledge them at every opportunity and I remind myself constantly to do what I can to help them.

Finally, I am deeply, deeply grateful for all my readers and for the wonderful contributions many of you make via comments and referrals to research.  I hope you all find a way to have a relaxing, pleasant and happy Thanksgiving.

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