Donald Trump showed an almost unerring ability to self-destruct and undermine his own agenda in his first term. He was elected this time in a clear victory that gave him room to move quickly on important aspects of the agenda, which includes reforming the federal government to return it to competence and service and away from enforcement of Democrat ideology. The Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, is at the top of the list for needed reform. In a move that demonstrates he actually learned nothing from his first term, Trump nominates Gaetz for AG.
Matt Gaetz is a jackass to be blunt. He sabotaged the Republicans ability to get anything done in the House last term. He also is ethically challenged and after Trump said he would nominate Gaetz, Gaetz immediately resigned from the House, hoping that this would allow him to avoid an impending report from the House ethics committee. So the good news is that Gaetz is gone from the House and DeSantis will appoint a reasonable conservative to replace him, and Gaetz will never be AG.
People spouting nonsense about recess appointments aren’t thinking clearly. The new Congress comes in on January 3, but Trump isn’t President and can’t make nominations until January 2o. It is already clear that Gaetz will never be confirmed by the Senate. And the Senate has tons of important business and isn’t going to go into recess so the President can nominate Gaetz or anyone else. Among other things, they are not going to want to set a precedent that could be used by the Democrats.
We need an AG, the President needs an AG. We need an AG quickly, so that the Justice Department can be reformed as fast as possible. So the President needs to get real and pull the nomination. This is an immense waste of political goodwill and the grace period his election gave him. As I said, what I really fear is that it is a demonstration that he learned nothing about his self-destructive behavior in the first term. We don’t need distractions from implementing conservative policies as fast as possible.
There are two types of possible nominees for Attorney General. First, there are members of the club who will see the jof of reform as tightening a few rules and getting rid of a bad apple or two. Then are fearless reformers who will undertake a ruthless housecleaning of DoJ and the FBI. The overlap of those two is probably the empty set. Bill Barr was probably the closest we can get, and he did not really change anything.
Matt Gaetz is of the second type. Yes, he will draw a lot of hostile fire. So will anybody else of that type. I see no reason to believe that there is a better choice.
By the way, I would literally bet my life that DeSantis will not be appointing a replacement for Gaetz. The only constitutionally allowed method to fill an empty seat in the House is via special election.
You are right, for some bizarre reason, Fla has the gov appointing a temporary replacement for Senators but House seats have to be filled by a special election. No matter what I am ecstatic that Gaetz is out of the House, hope the ethics report gets published, and know that he absolutely will not ever be AG. He is an absolutely despicable human being
Completely agree that Gaetz is an ass, and I was super ticked about the speaker of the house fiasco he created, so I’m no fan.
Just playing devil’s advocate, but might the type of brash assness that nuked the house speaker just be the right warhead to fix the DOJ? As I understand it, the confirmation is “supposed to be” based on qualifications for the job, not politics, not personality, so there’s a chance he could be confirmed.
Aside from his despicable personality and personal behavior, the issue I have with Gaetz is he will not be a neutral administrator of the law, he would in fact use DOJ to go after people he views as enemies. The guy has zero experience running anything, so he will be completely incompetent as well.
Rumor has it that this is all a ploy to get Gaetz into Rubio’s Senate seat …
if that were the intent, as I understand Fla law, DeSantis would have to appoint him, and that isn’t going to happen.
Trump got the shaft his first term with Jeff Sessions. He needs someone who isn’t going to screw him over when pressured by The Deep State.