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Minnesota’s Education System Is in Massive Decline Under Wannabe Rockette Walz

By November 10, 2024Commentary

I have noted before the astounding decline in Minnesota’s education system under first Mark Dayton and now Tim Walz.  As the focus shifted to indoctrination to create more Dem voters and to make the letter community happy, actual knowledge of reading, math and any other subject has dropped precipitously.  The one statistic that really flabbergasted me was that Mississippi has a better high school graduation rate than Minnesota.  The wonderful Center for the American Experiment has an outstanding post describing how expensive the education system has become and how little we comparatively get for the money.  Real, that is after inflation, per pupil spending has risen by over 30% in the last 20 years.   We have one of the highest rates of per pupil spending, although we do not have a particularly high cost of living (don’t worry, Dems are fixing that too) but we are not in the top tier in terms of educational attainment.  Particularly notable is Florida, which spends far less per pupil, and ranks very high in reading ability.   Well worth a read and pass it on to anyone with children in the public schools in the state.  (Center Article)

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