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The Party of the Rich and Why the Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

By November 4, 2024Commentary

Here is a damning article on the state of our politics and which party truly is the representative of the rich.  Of course since it is the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the mouthpiece of the whacked Minnesota Dem party, they don’t draw the obvious conclusions.  These numbers are only contributions to the presidential campaigns.  The numbers for state races in Minnesota are even more lopsided, Dems routinely outspend Reps by 10 to 1 or more.  Hard to compete in that environment.  A lot of these rich donors didn’t earn the money, they inherited it, and they are dilettantes who buy politicians like they would their 8th house or their fourth trophy wife.  They buy trophy politicians.   (Strib Article)

At a high level, three times as much money was given to Dems as to Reps by Minnesotans.  But look at the list, a couple of the top donors are Pohldad trust fund babies who own the baseball team–the Twins–and refuse to invest to make it competitive, but have no problem handing out millions to the whacko Dems running Minnesota.  Another is a Rockefeller/Dayton who has never worked a real day in her life and hands out money to support mutilating children and killing babies up to and after birth.  The lowest of top ten Dem donors gave more than the top donor to Reps.  Several of the top Dem donors each gave more than all the Rep donors combined.

All the pro(re)gressives yammering about the rich paying their fair share have no credibility.  They are owned by these rich people.  Their absurd policies of giving these billionaires every kind of tax credit and subsidy for things like renewable energy are what lower the effective tax rate of this group.  And they sneak in all kinds of breaks that only benefit the rich.  In general wealthy people pay most of the federal income taxes in this country, but when they don’t it is because the Dem congresspeople the billionaires own give them this plethora of tax benefits that only are usable by the truly rich.

So if you are resentful about the rich and their influence on politics, policy and tax policy in particular, vote Republican.  And listen to JD Vance who has finally started talking about pernicious influence of rich people’s money in politics.  Republicans should realize by now that they are being overwhelmed by Soros and other looney-tunes billionaire money and they need to figure out how to restrict that.

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  • Ivan says:

    I think you are missing something in your analysis. Most of these wealthy people aren’t looney or stupid. They aren’t just handing the libs money because of their various philosophies or beliefs. They are giving the money to make money. Crony capitalism in action. They donate to the dems and then the dems make sure they write laws, regulations, rules, etc. that are favorable to their donors. The dems make sure that a chunk of those billions they are stealing from the taxpayers goes right into the pockets of their donors. It is almost always about money and when they talk about how it isn’t about money then it is REALLY about money.
    And no, the repubs aren’t innocent lambs just being beaten silly. No one is as inept as the MN repubs pretend to be. They are simply happy members of the liberal uniparty with the democrats. They play along, pretend to fight, take a fall when ordered and collect their part of the loot. The voters are too stupid to see how badly they are being conned, so the ultimate blame falls on the voters themselves.
    And nothing will ever change in this state until you either take back the republican party and turn it into a real conservative alternative to the dems – one that will actually fight back and oppose them intelligently. Or, you need a new conservative party that does the same.

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