We have to reform our election process. All contributions over a de minimis amount should be banned, and a government-financed system put in place. Rich people are swamping the election, giving the vast majority of people no vote. We need to put very strict limits on campaign time. No electioneering of any type, no ads, no lawn signs, no bumper stickers, nothing, until 120 days pre-election. A 60 day primary season, with 4 elections spread across the 50 states in a month, a 60 day general election. That’s it. And then we can stop driving ourselves insane with endless political garbage, that in many ways isn’t that important.
I don’t know how this one turns out. I hope Trump wins, not because I like Trump, but because the Dems have gone full whacko and I think Trump has a better likelihood of beginning to address deficits and debt. Reps have to take back the Senate no matter what, and I think that will happen, hopefully by at least two or three seats. That will keep a lid on Dem lunacy even if Harris wins. The thing to really worry about with Harris is a foreign affairs crisis, and there are many out there. Those who don’t like us are licking their chops at the thought of this incompetent ding-dong being president.
This election will help Republicans however it turns out, because they have better policy ideas and better young leaders than do the Dems. Ron DeSantis or Gov. Grusome? No contest. But things could get a lot worse with a Harris administration before the new generation of Rep leaders can ride to the rescue. My title says it all, we should all take a deep breath and go spend time with family and friends and be glad when this is done and ignore politics for a long time.
Amen to that!