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Minnesota’s Faltering Economy

By October 1, 2024Commentary

While Little Timmy Walz preens and struts and strews spittle across the country in his ill-fated run for VP, Minnesota’s economy is shutting down due to the policies he has enacted over the last six years.  I have detailed before how all the job growth in the state is in government sectors and all the economic growth is due to government spending.  And even with all that government intervention we rank among the worst of all states for jobs and growth.  New data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis show the continued decline of the state’s economy.  In the second quarter of 2024, we had a paltry 1.3% growth rate, lower than all our neighbors except North Dakota, and the only other state which had lower growth is Alaska, which like North Dakota is a special situation because of the dominance of energy in its economy.  That is the third lowest rate in the country.  Beyond pathetic.  (BEA Data)

On a longer look, since 2019 Minnesota has the 12th slowest growing economy.  Minnesota also ranks 45th in personal income growth. Tim Walz has promoted anti-business, high tax policies and we are now seeing the result.  This is what he wants to do to the whole country–ruin the economy and people’s quality of life.  Vote accordingly.

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  • Bill Blanchard says:

    Maybe part of the reason for slow/low growth is people are leaving Minnesota. I know what some of you are thinking, “Come on Bill, no one leaves Minnesota!”. We’ll, I just did! My wife and I escaped last week, arrived in Conroe this past Friday! Ah, freedom feels good! And warm, too!

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