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A Little Late for this Acknowledgment

By September 29, 2024Commentary

The chief medical officer for Britain, Chris Witty, has apparently indicated that perhaps they went overboard in warning people about the dangers of CV-19.  He was testifying before the official epidemic inquiry for the country.  We may have exaggerated the danger, he said, “we” apparently including himself, although of course he downplayed any personal responsibility.  Meanwhile, as in the US, emails from the time show that “scaring the pants” off the public was intentional.  Dr. Witty also acknowledged that maybe lockdowns and face mask mandates went too far and eroded public trust and maybe they should have been clearer that people should still seek regular scheduled and urgent health care.

Honestly makes me want to vomit.  Plenty of people warned that CV-19 was not nearly as deadly or dangerous as the authorities were saying it was and were warning that the suppression measures would do more damage than the virus.  Those in charge of public health and our political leaders simply panicked and followed the herd off the cliff and then tried to defend their actions with lies and made-up statistics.  Disgraceful at the least and people should lose their jobs, maybe go to jail for the harm done.  And here in Minnesota don’t wait for Fat Timmy to ever apologize or acknowledge that he did anything wrong.  This neo-Nazi ruined education for a generation of children, caused businesses to go under and threatened owners with jail, killed thousands in nursing homes and assisted living, had Minnesotans snitching on each other and did daily press conferences to terrorize the public, causing missed health care, mental illness and other damage.  But according to the Incompetent Blowhard, he did nothing wrong, nothing at all.  (ZH Post)  (Telegraph Story)

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  • DaveK says:

    The only “rational” reason I could ever think of for the overblown reaction to the Chi-Com flu was that a handful of powerful people knew that the virus was not naturally evolved, but instead was released from what they knew to be a Chinese bio-weapons laboratory (that’s what gain-of-function research is really all about). While they could never admit that it was a possible bio-weapon, that certainly made for motive to instill panic in public health officials who were responsible for dealing with the virus on a day-to-day basis.

    • mrdoug1 says:

      In addition, quite simply, it was widely seen by all the “smart people” as a perfect excuse to derail the good economy and unseat President Trump. If it had been Hillary running for reelection in 2020, they wouldn’t have wrecked the economy – not a chance.

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