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The Decline of Minnesota

By September 17, 2024Commentary

By the time the Incompetent Blowhard’s second term expires Minnesota will have endured 16 straight years of Dem rule, probably due in part to extensive voter fraud.  During that time our taxes of every type have soared to among the very highest in the nation, while the number of state and other government employees has risen faster than any other category of employment.  Our population growth is non-existent and would be sharply negative except for legal and especially illegal immigration.  Businesses are leaving as are the wealthier individuals who fund start-ups.  Working families are leaving.  Our educational system has declined dramatically, focussing on indoctrination instead of learning subjects that create the basis for obtaining a good job (unless you want to go to work for government, where being an ignorant ideologue is the only requirement).

And here is the latest bout of good news, from the US Census Bureau.  Minnesota has had negative real median household income growth, meaning that incomes haven’t risen much, and have grown much more slowly than inflation.  The median household has $5900 less in real income than it had in 2019.  Median real income has fallen in three out of the last four years, while growing in the rest of the country.  Thank you Fat Timmy.  In three of our neighboring states there was actual real growth.  North Dakota is the exception and has been hit hard by Bidementia’s war on energy.  This is why people are leaving Minnesota and those who stay are in economic distress.  Their taxes keep rising rapidly, their income creeps along and the price of everything they need to live soars–a recent example is an average 50% increase in house insurance costs.  (Ctr. Am. Ex. Post)   (Cen. Bur. Data)

Meanwhile, in the same data you will see that nationally, after tax and transfer payments, somehow more Americans are in poverty, despite the endless flood of government money and the wonders of Bidenomics.  When you sort through that calculation you see that even for low-income households, the tax burden is a killer.

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