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The Latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Report

By September 4, 2024Commentary

Every month the Bureau of Labor (lying) Statistics puts out several reports on the US labor market, including one referrred to as the JOLTS report, for job openings and labor turnover.  And almost every month during the Bidementia administration the prior months’ reports get revised downward.  So give people initial good news, and then when they are paying less attention, revise it down later.  This month, we did see a downward revision for the data for June, from 8.2 million job openings to 7.9 million, but more importantly a very big miss to expected numbers for July was reported, with only 7.67 million job openings, likely also to be revised downward next month, compared to expectations of 8.1 million.   Job openings are back to pre-epidemic levels, notwithstanding substantial population growth, primarily of the illegal immigrant variety.

As noted last month, government openings had surged, but that reversed in this report, but only among state and local governments.  Other government-supported sectors like health care and social services experienced reduced openings, as did utilities, while construction job openings were very significantly down.  Increases occured in the professional and business services sector.  The number of hires was up modestly from the prior month, as was the number of people quitting their current job.  Hires were quite large in the hotel and food industry sector.  Most likely impact of this data will be to bolster Federal Reserves likelihood of reducing the federal funds rate at its next meeting.  (BLS Data)  (ZH Post)

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  • JT says:

    A ‘Whole of Government’ sham! The system is far too big and complicated to be properly managed and audited. Yet, the Jackasses was to keep growing it … the current Elephants was to shrink it. Even publicly educated and university groomed morons should be able to figure this one out.

    We are approaching a tipping point where the number of government employees (including public school teachers), all of whom will not vote to lose their cushy jobs, benefits and pensions, will out-number the rest of the voting age folks (of which 63% vote … +/- 10 million unaccounted for paper ballots …. last time).

    If you don’t understand that this is intentional, you are dilutional. The entire scheme is to dilute the Judeo-Christian population until the Globalist Donkeys can obtain one party rule, subvert our Constitution and create the NA Union. Once this happens, like the EU, we will no longer vote for our ‘elected’ representation. They will be appointed for us by the NAU governing body, who will be selected by the UN/WHO/NATO infrastructure. They will continue to flood the US with ‘global’ citizens, thus flushing out what’s left of our country’s history, culture and value system.

    Let’s try broadcasting a Christian call to prayer in MN and see how fast that gets shutdown …

    If this doesn’t sound like what you want for your family and future generations, you’d better pull every RED lever you can get your hands on for the next couple decades !

    • Kevin Roche says:

      same here on your bent to insane conspiracy theories, and I will point out that while illegal immigration needs to be stopped, those workers right now are the only thing that will keep Social Security able to make the payouts it has promised. these people generally work very hard while a lot of native-born Americans just take handouts like crazy

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