It has become apparent to the nation, and Minnesotans, that everything about Tim Walz is fake–he makes stuff up to create a false persona (because in reality he is a despicable, mean, nasty, lying weasel) and he lies about everything he has done to Minnesota. The Minnesota media covered for him, but the national media won’t do it to the same extent. Karma has struck and his reputation as a fabulist without peers is cemented. Now we know why the Dems trotted him out to verify that Bidementia was in fact in perfect cognitive health–they needed their top liar to spread that one. And we know why Harris chose him–she is running a campaign of lies and who better to assist in that. My favorite fabrication in the “interview” last night was that a “grammar” mistake made him misstate his military record. Wait, Little Timmy, I thought you were a teacher? Teacher of the year in fact. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
One of the things the Incompetent Blowhard did was work hard to destroy learning in Minnesota and replace it with indoctrination. The result has been a record decline in educational achievement in the state. We used to be one of the best, we are sinking fast. And yesterday, the most recent test scores were released. Now you have to understand Little Timmy already lowered the standards so things wouldn’t look so bad. But even against his standards, more than 50% of Minnesota students cannot do math or read at grade level. The Strib tries to sugar-coat the results but even the mouthpiece for the Dem party can’t make this look good. There has been a steady decline since Little Timmy took office.
Even more tragic are the chronic absenteeism rates in the state. Due to Fat Timmy’s excessive school closing orders, many students gave up on school. 25% of all students are chronically absent. The rates are far higher among minority children. There is no future for these children, many of whom already have turned to crime. (Strib Story) A more accurate accounting of the dismal performance is given by the Center for the American Experiment, which points out that while learning is declining, per pupil spending is soaring to over $16,000 a student, but much of that goes to teachers and staff and is recycled to the Dem party as contributions. (Center Article)
You can get all the details here, including by school district or school. At one time my suburb, Edina, was a top-ten nationally ranked school system. Not any more. Even in this wealthy suburb, 25% of kids don’t read at grade level and 30% can’t do math or science at grade level. Yep, Little Timmy is the education governor alright. And if you want to see what he does care about, look at the posts I wrote and the Center has written about teacher licensing standards–if you want to teach in Minnesota you have to be a Marxist and gender ideology indoctrinator–and the ethnic studies standards. All Timmy cares about is creating future Dem voters, he doesn’t give one damn about children. (Minn. Data)
Did you intend to place a hyperlink here?
You can get all the details here, including by school district or school. At one time my suburb, Edina, was a top-ten nationally ranked school system. Not any more.
yes, thanks for noticing, fixed now
I was up by the Iowa Minnesota border watching people from your state driving over the Iowa state line, pulling their cars over to the side of the road and getting out to breathe the fresh air of a free state. Then sadly turning around to drive back to what was once a great state to live in.
They only love him for the money. He gets them big contracts and they in turn send money to the dfl.