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It Really Is Climate Hysteria

By August 27, 2024Commentary

I take great pleasure in debunking the lies spread by climate hysterics.  It isn’t hard to do, you can still find a few honest researchers and you can look at data yourself.  One of the major lies told is that the seas are rising at an alarming rate and will swamp coasts everywhere.  Ongoing subsidence of some coastal areas and the impacts of some human development practices are ignored–it is all supposedly due to too much CO2 in the air.  Here is yet another study showing that if sea levels are rising, it is very slow, there is no acceleration and the pace is much slower than it has been in the past.  The research used oral history from Australian indigenous people to tie to measured sea changes.  The oral history tied to rapid sea level rise, far faster than now, early in the interglacial period.  Look at the chart in the article showing sea level rise over time.  It clearly has plateaued in the present era, really over the last 6000 years and if anything is declining now.  (JICA Article)

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