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More Evidence that Health Care Inflation Is High and Rising

By August 26, 2024Commentary

This affects every American.  The Bureau of Lying Statistics can make up whatever it wants to about health care and health insurance inflation, Americans see the realty in their paychecks and checkbooks.  And the reality is that prices are going up rapidly.  Here is another report, this one from the Business Group on Health, which represents large employers, those with the most leverage to keep prices down.  Even this group is expecting an 8% increase per employee in the cost of offering a health plan.  Employees will pay a big chunk of this, either directly or in lower wages.  This increase is the highest in over a decade, thank you Bidementia and Kamunism.  Pharmacy costs were fingered as the single biggest culprit.  Employees will begin to see these increases before the election and I suspect it may be a factor in how they vote.  (BGH Release)

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