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Weekend Climate and Energy Follies

By August 24, 2024Commentary

Climate hysterics claims that fossil fuels are raising CO2 levels and causing unstoppable warming, so we have to eliminate the CO2 or we will all die.  Of course they would like to send us all back to the Stone Age, at which point we will all die anyway.  They have no evidence for any of part of their hysterical claims.  A new Science magazine article, notable because that magazine, like everything that goes woke, is now woefully misnamed and should be called UnScience, finds that all the incredibly expensive steps take to limit CO2 levels have basically had no impact.  Want to know why, other than it is the usual government stupidity?  Because China, India, Russia and other countries don’t buy the hysteria and keep pumping out tons as much CO2 as they can, while encouraging the West to become energy inefficient.  Look at Germany if you want to see the US’ future.  The research finds that all those measures reduced CO2 emissions by a whopping 5% at most, more likely 2%, from what they otherwise would have been and that less than 5% of these very expensive measures had any impact at all.   Something like 37 gigatons of CO2 goes into the air every year and the study says we maybe eliminated .6 to 1.8 of those tons.  But don’t you feel good knowing we tried even if your electricity costs three times as much and you have no economy.  (Science Study)

Here is another lie Little Timmy Walz told, no surprise to anyone at this point.  When he maintained phasing out of any fossil fuel energy (the state is already buying it from elsewhere due to lack of capacity in Minnesota) he said renewable energy would be cheaper and greener.  Wind and solar are anything but green, through the whole chain from manufacture to disposal, just ask Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard residents.  Electricity prices in Minnesota are already soaring.  But other states, like New York, that were stupider faster than we were, are in even worse shape.  Here is an example.  New York is going to pay $155 per megawatt hour for wind power, a stupendously high rate.  The state generally pays $36 per megawatt hour, which is already high.  Yep, really affordable, I am sure consumers will love getting those bills.  (ZH Post)

And these analyses aren’t hard to find if you look at all, but here is yet another one showing that in reality, renewable energy is far more expensive than nuclear, fossil fuels or anything else, and probably only exists because of subsidies.  The article makes the point that while “levelized”, a version of total cost, is often used, the better comparison may be marginal cost–what does the next unit of a certain type of power cost you.  Solar power is absurdly expensive on a levelized basis–up to five times as much as other generation types, but is just as expensive on a marginal basis.  We are killing our economy with high energy prices for no reason.  (ZH Post)

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