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Amount of Sunshine Is Related to Temperature, Gosh, Who Knew?

By August 15, 2024Commentary

Another piece of research which confirms the obvious and contradicts the “CO2 levels control everything” narrative of climate hysterics.  The authors said, hmmm, suppose there is more sunshine reaching earth and that impacts temperature measurements.  Now, I know that all that energy coming off the sun and striking Earth gets figured into the overall energy balance, but the point here is that for surface air measurements of temperature in particular, more sunshine might mean higher apparent temperatures.  Fifty years of data from Poland were used.  Sure enough, longer periods of sunshine duration were associated with higher surface air temperatures.  Doh.

Of course these authors had to make it clear they were bought into the human-caused warming climate hypothesis but they provide no convincing mechanism for how more or less CO2 causes more or less clouds.  And in fact, the climate hysterics are torn on this, they can’t make up their minds.  It of course is entirely possible that there are natural variations in amount of cloud cover from time to time, which in turn impacts amount of sunshine hitting the surface.  And of course, over the study period there was a substantial decrease in air pollution in Poland and indeed in the countries upwind of Poland, and air pollution is itself dimming but also plays a role in the formation of clouds.  (GP Study)

The most important thing to take away from this study is that for climate “warming” studies that use surface temperature stations, all they likely are measuring is an increase in sunshine.

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  • JT says:

    From the ‘Horse’s Mouth’ … assuming that the Horses are not government paid salespeople for the climate team … “The Sun can influence Earth’s climate, but it isn’t responsible for the warming trend we’ve seen over recent decades.”

    I think all we can really agree on from any ‘climate’ related information is that a.) it’s all contradictory, b.) no one organization clearly owns the better set of ‘data’, c.) ALL modeling is suspect, based on the grant cycle and who’s funding the work, d.) CO2 is an irrelevant character in the story, and finally, that it’s become a giant lever by which governments transfer wealth.

    “The Rockefellers have created 990 Climate Change activist organizations. They give them directions, financing, and launch them on the world. The Green Movement was started, financed, organized, and militarized by the Rockefellers. By the late 40’s the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50’s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea” … Rockefeller: Controlling the Game Hardcover – April 2, 2024.

    ‘The end of oil” and ‘Fossil Fuels” are other make believe ‘levers’ these people created. You can make anthracitic coal from wood at relatively low temperatures and pressures in weeks in a lab …

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