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Minnesota’s Economy Sucks and Is Built on Government Quicksand

By August 10, 2024Commentary

For some time I have regularly reported on the weak and weakening underpinnings of the Minnesota economy since Fat Timmy took office.  The national media is quickly catching up.  The Wall Street Journal in particular has taken not of the Incompetent Blowhard’s efforts, quite successful, to turn Minnesota into another California and Illinois.  Today the WSJ confirms data I reported on a few weeks ago showing that all the job growth in Minnesota is in government workers or areas supported by government, like health care.  The private sector has lost jobs, as businesses leave Minnesota’s nightmare of high taxes and excessive regulation.  As the Journal points out, private job growth in Minnesota in the last year has been .1%, almost the lowest in the country and far behind our neighbors, much less Florida at 2%. (WSJ Editorial)

Similar to jobs growth, our GDP growth is also nonexistent, except in government, which doesn’t actually produce anything, it just eats up taxes from the citizenry.  Goverment contribution to GDP in the last year has been 6.1%, while private industry has been .2%.  The column goes on to point out all the new taxes enacted by the IB, despite a massive budget surplus, and all the absurd spending, which will produce a budget deficit any day now.  Meanwhile, people are leaving the state in droves and taking a lot of taxable income with them.  Aside from his personal characteristics of being a mean, vindictive, nasty, cowardly, lying weasel, his policies should alarm Americans–they have diminished the quality of life of every Minnesotan.


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  • Brad Jenkins says:

    Get out of there, Kevin, and move south one state. We Hawkeyes would welcome you. We really believe what’s written on our state flag (which we ain’t getting rid of)

    • Kevin Roche says:

      unfortunately, my children and grandchildren are here, but Iowa is a mountain of sanity compared to what this state has become.

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