If you live in the state of Minnesota, you would be used to the leading paper, by circulation, not content, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, acting like a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat party in the state. There is no difference between the opinion pages and supposed news pages. The front page and main news section of the paper are continually used to promote Democrat causes and constantly report anything related to Democrats in the most positive light and anything related to Republicans in an extremely negative light. This is not journalism, this is being an advocacy rag. This is not honoring your duty to inform the public fully and objectively, this is brainwashing for a particular ideology.
And t0day the paper reaches a new low by publishing a front page article that is nothing but lies about the circumstances of Tim Walz’ leaving the National Guard and how he has represented his rank and what he did in the Guard. It is a blatant attempt to cover-up the obvious essential nature of this despicable human being–he is a liar and he tries to creat an image of himself that is false to its core–he is a mean, nasty, cowardly, lying piece of garbage, who has ruined the lives of Minnesota’s children and adults. Everyone knows that as a senior officer in the National Guard, although not quite as senior as Walz tries to claim he is, he would have extended advance notice of a coming deployment so that they could prepare the unit for the mission. Walz knew he would have to go to Iraq and he quit because of it, and then he subsequently misled people into thinking he had gone to a war zone and been in combat. Period, end of story, the real truth.
The publisher of the Star Tribune is a Democrat hack from the Walz administration, so he knows what his marching orders are. But the owner is Glen Taylor, who at one time was a Republican leader in the state legislator. I have no idea what the hell Taylor is thinking but he should be deeply ashamed of himself for letting the state of Minnesota down by not insisting that his paper not be an adjunct of the Democrat party and by allowing such a complete lack of any journalistic standards or ethics. Calling the Strib toilet paper is an insult to butt-wiping material.
The local broadcast media is just as bad. I can’t stomach one second of their Leftist and paternal b.s.
I couldn’t agree more Kevin
I haven’t read the Star Tribune’s news coverage in years. I’m curious what their numbers look like now as far as circulation, online subscriptions, and advertising compared to 5 years ago, 10 years ago, etc. While the paper has always leaned pretty far to the left, the business model for newspapers has changed dramatically.
While the business used to be to sell advertising and sell newspapers to the public (via physical copies), this model no longer works. While we used to not know what happened during the day until the nightly news (if we watched it) or the next morning’s newspaper came out, we now know what’s going on almost immediately due to social media and other online sources. There’s no point in buying a paper to read yesterday’s news anymore.
The Star Tribune (along with NY Times and many others) realize that the majority of their readers/subscribers lean to the left politically. They have turned their business into nothing more than a paid online fan site for the Democratic Party, where their subscribers get exactly what they’re looking for (only good news about Democrats and how awful and hateful anybody who disagrees with them is). If they start to tell the truth and are not 100% fully committed to the mission of the Democrats, they’ll lose their loyal subscribers.
This is nothing more than how websites like Gopher Illustrated (a paid subscription site for U of Minnesota sports) and other college and professional sports sites operate. If the writers of that site only give negative content about the Gophers to diehard fans that are paying $10/month, do you think they’re going to have many subscribers left after a while? Of course not. The Star Tribune is nothing more than that, except they’re a fan site for the Democratic Party that operates the same way.
If anybody still reads the Star Tribune or even clicks on their website, keep in mind that this is what you’re supporting.
Fortunately, the national spotlight is on him and people all over, even in MN, are now finding out about the real Tim Walz. As a veteran of Iraq, what he did is despicable and says a lot about his personality.
While we are discussing the media, what the heck has happened to the WSJ?? They are now liberal cheerleaders.
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
Nikita Khrushchev