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Trump and Vance and Russia and Ukraine

By July 17, 2024Commentary

The Republican ticket is set and honestly, it isn’t ideal for the country or for conservative governing philosophy.  I have made clear before my disdain for Trump’s personality and character.  The policies he generally pushes I tend to view favorably, but his personality defects, primarily the egotism and the failure to actually learn about issues in detail and understand options, meant that his first administration was pretty much worthless in terms of advancing conservative priorities.  The epidemic makes it difficult to get a full analysis of the results of that administration.  My fear is that Trump, as compared to a DeSantis or a Burghum for example, doesn’t know how to get things done in a legislature and isn’t inclined or doesn’t know how to hire people who do have that skill.  We may be fortunate enough to have a fully Republican-controlled federal government, at least for two years, and we can’t waste that opportunity.  Trump almost certainly will fritter it away as he did the first time around.  Maybe he has learned, maybe he has better team this time, but I am dubious.

Vance is unqualified to be Vice-President.  He has a great personal story, he is obviously intelligent, and some of his policy positions I completely agree with.  But he has no real government experience and has shown no ability to work with other legislators to get important laws passed.  He may be a work in process and maybe he will turn out to be an asset in getting things done.  But right now, there are far superior choices who would be much more prepared to step in as President if necessary.  And his foreign policy views are incoherent.  Strong support for Israel, no support for Ukraine.  Smash Iran, who cares about some other countries.  The real reason he was selected is because of all the serious contenders he is the biggest Trump bobo, the one most firmly attached lips to ass.  I want to be clear, I don’t dislike Vance, I actually think he has much more potential than Trump, but he isn’t prepared to be VP and he by far is not the best possible choice.  Notwithstanding my concerns about the ticket, I will do everything I can to see them elected, because I genuinely believe, without exaggeration, that the country cannot withstand four more years of Bidementia, or more accurately, the pro(re)gressive lunatics actually running the country.

Both Trump and Vance appear to completely under-estimate the danger Putin and Russia pose to the world and to our country.  Putin the Destroyer, because all he does is wreck things, has created or build nothing good for the people of Russia, and is a truly evil human being.  And his Russia is merely an extension of his ego.  He imagines himself to be a new Tsar and that means rebuilding the Russian empire, the USSR.  Ukraine isn’t the first example of his territorial ambitions.  He employs a vast intelligence complex to undermine the United States and its allies.  He spends billions stoking division and funding the whackos in this country, and has literally ordered the murders of those in Russia and other countries whom he views as enemies.   He has no desire to be a friend to the US or to have good relations with us–he sees us as the mortal enemy to his worldview.

Trump you suspect gets along with Putin because he admires him in part and is taken in by him.  Trump is used to dealing with sleazy people in his business and overlooking their flaws and he undoubtedly is impressed by the strongman character types.  Trump also overestimates his ability to manipulate or influence Putin.  Putin can’t be manipulated or influenced; he will understand only one thing–overwhelming force used to defeat everything he tries to do.  History taught us this long, long ago and I fail to understand why we have to keep relearning that lesson.  You either deal harshly with these meglomaniac, brutal totalitarians or you pay a huge price.  And anyone who things ignoring what Putin does because it doesn’t affect us is delusional and not paying attention to what he is doing inside our country right now.

I don’t know what Vance’s excuse for treating Putin as not a problem is, and maybe he is more aware of the issue than he lets on.  But Vance shows little willingness or ability to not just follow Trump’s lead.  And on Ukraine, more so than Trump, Vance has shown moral midgetry.  What kind of world does he think this will be if we don’t do everything we can to oppose the brutal slaughter of a people and destruction of a nation?  He truly thinks we should just standby and watch this occur?  If so, I would never, ever support Vance.  Those statements betoken a complete lack of empathy and understanding of human responsibility.

And it is dumb policy.  Very cynically, there is nothing that is hurting Russia more than being bogged down in a war they can’t win.  On the cheap, relatively speaking, we are destroying their military capability, learning about the strengths and weaknesses of their various weapon systems, learning about the warfare of the future with drones and AI and other advances, and ruining their economy.  Don’t for one second believe any nonsense you read about oil revenue, etc.  They are hurting badly, not least because several million of their best young workers left the country and hundreds of thousands have been killed or wounded in Ukraine.  The ruble is worthless.  China owns the country now and I predict will take Siberia within the next decade.  Russia has limited capability to engage in military adventurism in other countries now, and the more this drags out, the more they will have to pull resources from other parts of the world.  So while what is happening to Ukraine and its people is tragic, beyond tragic; we would be foolish not to arm that country to the teeth with every possible weapon and encourage them to do everything they can to continue to degrade Russia’s military capacity.  If Vance doesn’t see that, he is not nearly as smart as I think he is.

So while I am hopeful that Republicans can recapture the federal government this year and undertake the massive job of reconstructing it to actually serve the people of this country, I have serious misgivings about those leading the party in that effort.  I am first and foremost a believer in a free-market economy and in individual liberty.  I want a country that promotes those values at every turn and that facilitates citizens controlling their lives and having the opportunity to maximize the quality of those lives.  We desperately need an implement of those values into government.  I just don’t know that Trump and Vance will accomplish it.

Join the discussion 12 Comments

  • Jim Edholm says:

    I agree with much of what you’re saying; however, I’m not sure I agree with the depth of your concerns. Vance has as much government experience at this point at Obama did when he was elected (not that I support ANYTHING Obama did), and he’s the same age Nixon was when Eisenhower tapped him for VP (although that didn’t work out all that well).
    That said, I concur with your opinions on Ukraine – I don’t like Zelinsky (sp?); he’s an anti-democratic autocrat, and I don’t think Ukraine features large in our country’s interests. However, I agree – without necessarily agreeing that Russia is an economic basket case – that we serve our national and military intel interests by continuing to support Ukraine’s efforts to battle to hopefully at least a stalemate.
    I also think that your point about Putin being a power-wielding bully is correct … but most bullies only respect strength, and Trump is that: strong. I think he may have the heft to negotiate a settlement in Ukraine that will plug the drain on our resources and allow us to refocus those efforts on actually modernizing our armed forces.

  • David says:

    I tend to think of Leadership being separate from someone with good people skills. What I hope for is that Trump and Vance map out a Plan of Action to get America back to being the Land of Opportunity rather than the Land of Entitlement. Self employed most of my life, I make a mistake, I pay for it. But then times have changed and it seems like everyone is rewarded, Everyone gets a Trophy, regardless of the results….

    • Earl Watkins says:

      And since our choices are limited, I’m going to enthusiastically support the better choice. If we believe Trump/Vance is the clear better choice for liberty and freedom, we do the country a dis-service by complaining about the better of two choices. Speak of the positives and we might win; whine about the weaknesses helps get a loss.

    • Kevin Roche says:

      yeah, winning isn’t the point, getting government policies in place that create the best environment for every citizen to do well is what counts. I don’t trust Trump to do that.

  • Joe K says:

    Thanks –
    A good rational assessment of the Republican ticket

    I certainly would have preferred Desantis, or pompeo , or any number of republicans, at the top of the ticket and the same for the VP slot. That being said, there is no one on the democratic side of the political aisle that should be president. The entire democrat party is a party of racism , anti Americanism, elitism, authoritarians and economic idiots.

    I will further add that in my opinion, Obama was a much worse president than Biden, I would further rate obama as one of the worst presidents ever.
    Race relations in the US had been showing slow but steady improvement since the 1950’s , yes slow but steady improvement, That long steady improvement dramatically reversed during his administration with his behind the scenes stoking of racism. It then exploded through out the progressive empire with his blessing.
    Obama actively sought to undermine america’s positive influence throughout the world and sought to enhance power of our advesaries, especially in the muslim world including supporting and funding the terrorist regime in IRAN. Its absurd that people believe that the iranian nuclear deal was intended to freeze and or squash Iran’s nuclear program. It was worse than neville chamberlins “peace in our time”

  • Richard Marks says:

    Do you love China? You make one mention of the name in your blog but you rail over Russia as being our main concern. You ignore completely that it is China that is buying up farmland around our military bases. China is supplying the ingredients to make Fentynal in Mexico so it can be sold to US citizens. It is China that is behind the election fraud through software tweaks that redirects votes for candidtates to be changed to favor the Democrats. You fail to mention that Chinese police stations which are cropping up in our major cities to survail its citizens and undermine our freedoms to all our citizens. China gave Biden a $5million forgiveable loan which has resulted in favorable Biden’s administration giving favortisim to selling their worthless batteries for the EV market and worthless renewable solar panels and wind mills to our utility companies. In short, you fail to address any of these issues that our main enemy is undermining our political system by giving bribes, gifts and blackmailing our politicians to get favorable legisltation.. I enjoy your blog but I truly believe you are a hound dog howling at the wrong bird.
    Richard Marks, Jordan, Mn.

    • Kevin Roche says:

      I am less concerned with China because they are extremely dependent on the US for their economy to thrive, and while we are dependent on them for many products, we could change that if we want to. It is not in China’s economic interest to have truly poor relations with the US. Russian obviously feels no such constraints.

  • Rich Berger says:

    Unhinged comments like this have caused me to discount this site. But hey, it’s your site.

    • Kevin Roche says:

      feel free to not read if the truth makes you uncomfortable in your bubble world

  • Chris W says:

    Kevin – I don’t understand your statement, “winning isn’t the point”. How do you go about “getting government policies in place that create the best environment for every citizen to do well is what counts” if elections aren’t won by people who are, at least on paper, in agreement with that statement?

    If the left/dems win, you know for sure you won’t get the policies you want. If Trump wins, the only person on the ballot who has any chance of beating Biden or the left’s nominee, there’s a far better chance, no?

    FWIW, I don’t trust either party, but I distrust the dems/left far more. And let’s face it, we are a two party system for the foreseeable future. Voting third party has historically meant victory for the dems. It remains to be seen what RFK Jr. may mean in this election.

    Trump is a boob, but I don’t care about Trump the man. I care about his policies and I think his first four years in office demonstrated that he gave us at least two things that he promised to help “create the best environment for every citizen to do well”: appointing constitutional conservatives to the Supreme Court and the lower courts, and border security. And you cannot underestimate how critical having constitutionally conservative judges are to ensuring that every citizen is provided their constitutionally guaranteed right to an environment that provides the opportunity to do well. It is precisely these conservative judges who will remain a bulwark against the left and for protecting the rights of citizens long after Trump or any elected official leaves office. That’s a win for the people.


  • Charlie says:

    A couple of simple questions:

    Did the current Democratic administration make our overall country and situation better than under Trump?

    If no, do you believe a win by the TBD Democratic ticket will make the current situation better?

    If no, do you believe the Trump / Vance ticket will make the current situation worse than the TBD Democratic / Vance ticket?

    If no, regardless of what you think or the Trump / Vance ticket or individuals or their flaws, why would you not vote for them as you would be voting for a worse condition / voting against your interest?

    Unless you think the TBD Democratic ticket would be better, even if you need to hold your nose while voting, vote for Trump / Vance ticket.

    • Kevin Roche says:

      I think I agree with you and definitely will be partly holding my nose, although Harris makes it an easier choice

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