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More Climate Non-hysteria

By June 3, 2024Commentary

It is really important, in light of the constant propaganda spewed forth by most media sources, for people to have some truthful idea of what is happening in regard to climate.  There is no crisis, indeed there is nothing unprecedented about anything happening today, other than the unprecedented attempt by the rich to get richer and the whackos to assume more political power by scaring the shit out of people and spending trillions on expensive and unreliable and un-“renewable” energy.  They have for decades wanted us to believe that all the ice anywhere on earth was melting.  Al Gore and others famously claimed the Arctic ice would all be gone long before now.  Somehow it is still there, at the same or higher level than when he said that.

Antarctica, according to this new research in a very credible and usually climate hysteric journal, is actually seeing stable, actually growing, ice in eastern Antarctica, based on early expedition aerial photos.  As usual, the hysterics cherrypick timelines and don’t want people looking back too far.  It appears that any short-term changes in ice thickness and glacial extent are due to cyclical changes in snowfall.  You won’t read about this in the NYT or the Star Tribune.   So don’t fall for the hysteric nonsense and ignore whatever you see in the typical media sources.  (Nature Comm. Article) 

And there have been a couple of studies, which I posted on, directly attacking the prime foundation of the hysteric case–that fossil fuels are increasing CO2 levels which drives warming.  These studies were so well-done that the hysterics have gone beserk trying to rebut them, but only succeeding in showing how desperate they are.  This post describes both the attacks on the studies and why those attacks are wrong.  It gives you a good summary of the important scientific issues in regard to climate change.  (May Post)

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  • joethenonclimatescientist says:

    Kevin’s comment from the 2nd paragraph – ” As usual, the hysterics cherrypick timelines and don’t want people looking back too far. It appears that any short-term changes in ice thickness and glacial extent are due to cyclical changes in snowfall. ”

    Akin to the historical pictures of the melting north american glaciers. Frequently show pictures of glacier extent from the late 1800’s with comparison photos from the 1980’s 1990’s and 2000’s to show how much the glacier have melted. However, they rarely show pictures showing the glaciers in the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s. That omission is because it would show a significant portion of the melting prior the point of the alleged great rise in warming.

  • John Oh says:

    I’ve always been skeptical of climate claims because the “science” is based on modeling. Anything involving models should be viewed skeptically. I now think that climate science is more like phrenology. A fad pseudo science it was all the rage in the late 19th century. All the best people followed it’s progress. I am also reminded of the studies of race that relied on physical characteristics and related the characteristics to culture (Carlton Coon). Some of it was pretty racist, but all of it became almost irrelevant as more archeological evidence and DNA data completely changed all the assumptions. I think that is where we ought to be on climate science. If it made any sense at all, even a little, in 1980s and 90s, there is more than sufficient data to cause a completely new approach. And to some small extent this is happening in the science community. Unfortunately, the climate crisis is too useful politically to be subject to any real scientific rigor in the public conversation.

  • joethenonclimatescientist says:

    Adding to John’s comment regarding models

    Both warming trend and cooling trends have typically lasted 150-300 years , at least over the last 6,000 years (roman warming period).

    The climate models have all projected varying degrees of warming.
    How difficult is it to project continued warming one third of the way into a typical warming trend cycle?

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