I think most people have no idea of how much money is being wasted by governments on so-called renewable energy and how much their electricity bills are going to rise. This article lays out the likely true cost of federal tax credits for solar, wind and other expensive and unreliable technologies. Rich people own the businesses that are getting these enormous subsidies, estimated to be $425 billion in the next ten years. That is a transfer of $425 billion from taxpayers to wealthy people via tax credits alone. The federal government is providing hundreds of billions more in other subsidies and grants. State governments are chipping in as well. What they can’t hide even with all these subsidies is that the power produced by these technologies is far more expensive than that coming from fossil fuel or nuclear power. And it shows up in electricity bills. (RB Substack)
My friends at the Powerline Blog do a lot of great work on many topics, including energy. They lay out in a post exactly what the true costs of renewable energy is, in contrast to other forms of electricity production. I suspect they are actually underestimating the full life-cycle costs, give the environmental wreckage caused by the production, operation and retirement of solar and wind plants. The bottom line is that wind and solar cost five to ten times as much as coal, gas or nuclear. And you as a consumer are going to pay that much more in electricity bills or in taxes to subsidize these wonderful technologies. (PL Post)
Read this article if you want some humor –
Rebutting 33 false claims about wind solar and EVs