It isn’t just children who are having issues in American Society, young adults are struggling as well, particularly with being actual adults. If you look at surveys, you see that they have few real friends, are lonely, rarely socialize and spend a lot of time on their phones or other screens. Those are all connected, disheartening, and heart-wrenching. Record rates of mental illness, particularly depression and anxiety are no surprise in this environment. The Wall Street Journal, again, has an excellent review of two books covering these trends and the resulting decline in marriage and in birth rates, both of which have personal, social and economic ramifications.
The lack of strong personal relationships is devastating to any person, and not having a mate, a spouse, a life partner, is the strongest single correlate of unhappiness, particularly as one ages. But today’s young adults, as noted in the earlier post, have fewer friends and have more difficulty understanding how to find friends and create friendships, much less more intense love relationships. They are lost and get little guidance from parents, schools or elsewhere. And children are one of the great pleasures of life and create that continuity of existence that gives it meaning. Woke morons deride both marriage and parenthood, for environmental and other reasons, and I fervently hope that none of them have any children to whom they could pass on their despicable ideology.
The solution is obvious to me, we need to emphasize a society and culture that idealizes friendship and marriage and parenthood. We need to make children and young adults put down their phones and engage in real life. We need to teach how to find and be a friend. We need to be sure y0ung adults are aware of the research showing that their future happiness is entangled with marriage and parenthood. Otherwise we will have a society of aging, anxious, depressives with no hope, no economic or social productivity and an increasingly bitter outlook on life. (WSJ Article)