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The Strib Notices that the State Is Losing Young People

By August 7, 2023Commentary

Minnesota has adopted policies under Little Timmy Walz that have it well on the road to being California, Portland, Seattle, Illinois and New York.  In other words, a pro(re)gressive hellhole with a declining quality of life.  So it is no surprise that the state is losing population.  What may surprise people is that it isn’t just retirees seeking warmth–it is a lot of young and working age people and they are taking a lot of taxable income with them.  Our local rag, and it is a rag, the Star Tribune, finally noticed the trend, reporting on the net out-migration of college students, most of whom never come back, and why should they.  The Strib is shameless in its constant promotion of Dems and demeaning of conservatives.  So of course it doesn’t really explore why no one wants to live in this garbage pile of a state.  It even throws in some references to our supposedly great quality of life.  Apparently that high quality of life includes being able to be mugged, carjacked or assaulted 24 hours a day, having one of the highest tax burdens in the country, very high utility bill costs, declining roads and other public infrastructure, etc.  Dems are the best liars in the entire world, and universe-class euphemists.  But reality will out, and the reality is that they are making the state unlivable and people are leaving.  (Strib Story)


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