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Weather Deaths

By April 20, 2023Commentary

One of the lies climate hysterics tell is that weather disasters are increasing and causing more deaths.  You can support any lie with statistics if you play with the data and/or present it in a misleading manner.  Here is the truth, told more accurately.  Weather deaths are actually dropping, on a population basis.  If there are more people around when a hurricane, tornado or flood hits; there will be more deaths.  Has nothing to do with the number or severity of events.  So you have to adjust for population growth.  And really, you should adjust even more. because population growth has been greatest in coastal areas where these events are more common.  But you can see the steady decline in per million deaths over the last few decades, likely largely due to better warning systems.  Certainly no support for the idea that there are more or worse weather disasters.  But when did truth ever matter to environmental whackos.

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  • Joe says:

    In a somewhat similar analysis of climate science weather claims –

    Skeptical Science – A very climate activist website – posted an annual insurance industry report showing weather related losses were increasing faster than the rate of inflation. Thus the conclusion that climate change was causing an increase in weather related losses. I posted a response in the comment section that using the rate of inflation as a metric was misleading since that metric omitted population growth and omitted the increase in per capita wealth (which has been growing faster than the rate of inflation). thus the conclusion that climate change was causing more weather related losses was erroneous because of the use of misleading metrics.

    The activists at skeptic science went absolutely ballistic with their responses, with responses such as fossil fuel industry troll, unsubstantiated and non relevant data, unsupported/non peer reviewed talking points.

    One of points that can be drawn from the responses is that much of the “activists version” of “climate science ” is easily discredited with general basic knowledge.

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