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More on the Job Number Follies

By February 2, 2023Commentary

I keep coming back to this for two reasons.  One is that if the employment-related statistics are erroneous, we are getting a false picture of the economy.  The second is that it is a very serious thing for any administration to fudge important economic numbers, but I strongly suspect that is what is happening here.

This post from Zero Hedge discusses several statistics that are likely wrong, including job openings, layoff numbers and payrolls.  And it again points out that the underlying basis for many of these numbers–surveys–are seeing historically low response rates, which may partly explain the inaccuracy.  (ZH Post)

And this Zero Hedge post focuses specifically on job opening numbers, also finding plenty of reason to doubt the official line.  (ZH Post)

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  • Dan says:

    “ it is a very serious thing for any administration to fudge important economic numbers” Why is this any different from what they’ve been doing with temperature data for the global warming bs and everything related to Covid. At least in this case most people that pay any attention economic data quit trusting the government long ago. The general public knows how they are feeling personally and doesn’t pay attention to to this type of news.

    Anytime you can access the actual data you should not believe anything you read from the government, drug companies, or anyone else for anything important.

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