Been a little slow on getting to a lot of stuff, epidemic and non-epidemic. Traveling a lot and for all of us it is a busy time of year. But there is some good info coming. We are in the early stages of an excess deaths analysis that we hope will be a great exemplar for the country as a whole. Dave as usual is carrying the burden here, with DDL who has weighed in on this topic before and other helpers. We anticipate a series of posts showing for at least five years prior to, and then the years including, the epidemic, raw death counts, by age group and by sex. (sorry, we only use the real two genders) Next we will look at per capita rates, by the same categories. Then proportions of deaths in each category. All of this basic data will help set baselines and trends before the epidemic and after.
The most difficult part will be ascertaining cause of death, again by age groups, and doing those same analyses. We have all the actual death certificates, but extracting cause by major category can take a little work. We will identify CV-19 and non-CV-19 deaths as well as those in the major categories we have showed you on our CDC-data based charts on the excess death topic.
Our end goal is to attempt to show trends by age group by cause and any actual variations from those trends during the epidemic. I wish we had vax status for deaths during the epidemic but unfortunately that data is not made available. We will ask for it, but the answer will likely continue to be no. In any event, should be an interesting set of posts. Just in case you really need something to liven up your holidays!!
Thanks to you and Dave for the gifts of knowledge throughout the year! Merry Christmas!
Have a great holiday season and thanks for all that you and Dave have done to shine a light on the fiasco of the Covid response.