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California Nightmarin’

By November 3, 2022Commentary

The Democrat Party is run by a bunch of senile old people, starting with the President.  It has nothing on the bench, nothing.  Oh wait, there is Gavin Newsome, the epitome of hypocritical elitism.  Gavin thinks he is the Dem darling for 2024.  Republicans are salivating, praying that he is the nominee.  At least he can string a coherent sentence together, in comparison to the demented dunce and the vice-dunce currently in residence at the White House.  But his policies are the biggest disaster ever and Americans everywhere shrink in horror at the state he governs.  High taxes supposedly would be used to create paradise for everyone.

Instead, gazing westward we see high crime, massive homelessness, the worst inflation and highest prices in the country, especially for energy, pathetic schools which exist only for political indoctrination and fleeing businesses.  California has a very large economy, largely driven by attribution of tech company revenues, but those companies are now facing a reckoning and will need to get the heck out of Dodge to lower costs.  This report describes the ongoing trend of businesses leaving California for friendlier environs.  (Cal. Report)

California used to be viewed as the land of milk and honey.  Now it is dystopia and the population is shrinking along with the number of businesses.  No one in their right mind wants to live in this hellhole of a state.  So yeah, Dems, bring it on with Gavin.

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