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The Death Toll from Weather “Disasters” Is Lessening

By October 9, 2022Commentary

Joe Bidementia recently went to Florida to observe Hurricane Ian damage.  This was one hurricane, the only one to hit Florida this season.  The trend in either the number or strength of hurricanes hitting Florida is actually down over the last 50 years.  That didn’t prevent our idiot of a president from claiming that this particular hurricane ends the discussion about whether global warming exists.  I can assure you that supposed global warming caused by human activities is a complete fiction, unproven by any actual research, but pimped by Russian and Chinese agents to undermine our economy while they continue to use cheap fossil fuels and also promoted by rich people in the US who make a fortune from “renewable” energy subsidies.   This chart shows that the death toll from allegedly climate-related disasters has actually gone down tremendously, despite our coasts being completely built up with  properties and having many more people living there.  Partly this is better warning systems, but mostly it is simply that there is no increase in hurricanes or tornadoes, for example.

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  • Dan says:

    “ I can assure you that supposed global warming caused by human activities is a complete fiction, unproven by any actual research, but pimped by Russian and Chinese agents to undermine our economy ”.

    Just like the Chinese pimped the fake Covid-19 pandemic on us.

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