Our Governor, Little Timmy Walz, is a completely despicable human being and a pathetically incompetent administrator of our state’s well-being. He did an atrocious job in responding to the epidemic, but he was awful even before that, although he is an excellent exemplar of the consequences of progressive policy-making. One certain characteristic of pro-regressive policies is to spend the taxpayers’ money willy-nilly with no regard to financial consequences or whether you get what you paid for. Although it started before Walz’ reign of terror, our light rail is a purely Democratic initiative and a classic exercise in mismanagement.
This recent legislative auditor’s report shows how bad it has been. The southwest line, under current construction, is 9 years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget, costing more than twice what was originally projected. No one will want to ride it anyway, due to constant crime and filth on the light rail and shifts in commuting patterns. The light rail will need massive subsidies forever. It would literally have been cheaper to buy everyone cars and gas. There is undoubtedly substantial fraud, kickbacks and other corruption going on. This boondoogle is costing $190 million a mile to construct. That’s right, $190 million a mile. (Light Rail Report)
Little Timmy is owned by the teachers’ unions and they may yet provide enough money to re-elect this dreadful schmuck to another term, aided by the usual Democratic cheating which has been heightened by ignoring state laws regarding absentee ballots. He is outspending his opponent by 10 to 1 but the race is essentially tied. I encourage you to not just vote against this lowlife scum, but to send all the money you can to Dr. Scott Jensen, who isn’t perfect but will be a whole lot better than four more years of Walz for the state of Minnesota.
Kevin – I agree ideologically with everything you say. However, for you to be an effective, widespread voice of reason that appeals to a broad audience you need to drop the pejorative, sarcastic commentary. Let the facts speak for themselves. We are perfectly capable of making up our minds about Walz after reading the facts. You do excellent, thorough research (with links!) that could sway many undecided voters but it would be a shame if they dismiss your arguments because you use ‘mean words’!
yeah, I hear you, but I have to tell you Walz in particular sets me off because he is a lying, despicable human being who ruined the lives of a generation of children and made Minnesota a very unsafe place to be.
The life cycle cost of the SW LRT project will be far more than the claimed $2.74 billion build cost. By the time it opens the build cost will be close to $3 billion. Worse yet, the 25-30 year operating costs will be at least an additional $1.5 billion. So $4.5 billion for 30,000 daily trips, which is only 1/4 of one percent of daily metro trips by all modes. The largest boondoggle in state history. It is not about transportation, it is about “free money” from the federal government. If all federal transportation money came in an undesignated basket (or no LRT money) came from the feds, LRT absolutely would not happen. Immense cost and nearly zero benefit. Ego, hubris, ignorance, incompetence, misrepresentation, etc, etc.
Walz is intent on accruing his full pension payment as Governor.
Add that to his National Guard, US House, Mankato teacher, and SD teacher pension payouts (earned at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation), and Tim will have plenty of money for craft beers. Plus, who knows how much he accrued when he taught in China for a couple of years.
After he leaves as Governor, he will probably go on to serve as an advisor to Education Minnesota, maybe add some more defined benefit earnings.
“Little Timmy is owned by the teachers’ unions”… and Planned Parenthood.
RE: “…the usual Democratic cheating which has been heightened by ignoring state laws regarding absentee ballots”
Do you have constructive ideas on actions, investigate work, etc., the average citizen could do to bring more integrity to the voting process?
there are groups out there trying to ensure that there are adequate election judges and observers to counter the cheating. Contact the state Republican party, they can help.
It was common knowledge by the late 1980’s /early 1990’s that business were going to move out of the central business districts and into the suburbs. thereby making fixed rail line dinasours.