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Year-Over-Year Charts, June 24

By June 25, 2022Commentary

The truly big picture of the epidemic in Minnesota, in charts.

(Charts Here)

Dave’s notes:

  • Fig. 1: The recent surge in new daily cases per day peaked at 2152 average cases per day on 5/11/2022 (revised from 2144 in the past week), and continues to drift lower. The squiggles in the line the past several weeks must be due to discontinuities in the data from MDH. We have seen similar features in the past, such as the discontinuity centered on 9/03/2021, and the infamous Thanksgiving discontinuity of 2020.
  • Fig. 2: Active cases continue to drift lower, similar to new cases.
  • Fig. 3: Even though cases clearly peaked about 6 weeks ago ICU admissions continue at a relatively steady pace.
  • Fig. 4: Covid Non-ICU admissions appear to be holding a plateau, despite new cases waning. The downturn in the most recent days plotted may be due to incomplete reporting.
  • Fig. 5: ICU Covid hospital bed may possibly be trending lower, but it is too soon to be sure.
  • Fig. 6: Non-ICU Covid hospital beds in use are lower in the past week, but it is too soon to know if this is a real trend or just incomplete reporting..
  • Fig. 7: Deaths attributed to Covid have started to decrease in the past week, matching last year at this time.
  • For all charts the last 7 days of data is excluded to minimize charting incomplete data.
  • All data is taken from the Minnesota Department of Health Situation Update for OCVID-19 web page and from the Response and Preparation web page
  • All data is shown as 7 day running averages.

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