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Regional Cases, May 20

By May 22, 2022Commentary

A really interesting thing to note is how close the regions are in cumulative case rates.  I suspect if they were age/minority adjusted, the rates would cluster together even more.  It is also interesting how synchronized the Omicron wave was in comparison to some others, which had a little scatter.  On the second chart, we see the phenomenon where the last becomes first and vice versa, which leads to that cumulative clustering.  This wave looks much less dramatic in size and slope, but again, much of that is likely due to home testing.

Dave’s notes:

  • US case and data by state is taken from a CDC data base: , This data base appears to be corrupted, especially for California, in early 2021. Therefore, all data for all states prior to 8/1/2021 is the version published by the CDC on 10/24/2021. All data starting 8/1/2021 is the most current available data, published by the CDC on 5/20/2022.
  • State population estimates used to calculate rates per 100k are taken from the CDC data file nst-est2019-01.xlsx, available here:
  • Fig. 1: Covid cases per week per 100k by US Region. The Omicron wave, peaking in January 2022, is remarkably similar across each region.   
  • Fig. 2: Covid cases per week per 100k by US Region, starting 2/05/2022. The Northeast region has had increasing cases for several months, with several other regions accelerating more recently. The Southwest has yet to increase significantly.
  • Fig. 3: Cumulative Covid cases per million per region.

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