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Regional Cases and a National Update

By December 26, 2021Commentary

Thanks to Dave Dixon here is another update on regional cases in the US, as we await the Moronic blizzard, and there are some signs of a good uptick, and we haven’t done this for a while, but an animation of case rates across the country since July of this year.  Interesting to see the ebb and flow across regions.  Dave’s notes:

1. The chart of US regional cases displays the entire pandemic. The animation of cases per week per 100k starts the week ending 7/03/2021.

2. US case data by state is taken from a CDC data base: , This data base appears to be corrupted, especially for California, in early 2021. Therefore, all data for all states prior to 8/1/2021 is the version published by the CDC on 10/24/2021. All data starting 8/1/2021 is the most current available data, published by the CDC on 12/22/2021.
State population estimates used to calculate rates per 100k are taken from the CDC data file nst-est2019-01.xlsx, available here:

3. The Midwest region currently has the highest case rate per 100k in the US, with the Northeast region experiencing a rapid rise in cases as well.

4.  It is striking that there are geographical waves of cases still evident, despite a variety of vaccination rates and government mitigation measures.

5.  The maximum scale on the animation is 1245.4 cases per 100k per week. This rate occurred the week ending 11/14/2020 in North Dakota, before the start of the this animation.

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