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Deaths in Children

By December 15, 2021Commentary

Thanks to Phil Kerpen on Twitter for these charts.  You can see here the reported deaths in children in the US.  Note how few, if any, have no other serious illness.  Note also that CV-19 actually has nothing to do with the death in most.  Like drownings and poisonings.  Really, how can the CDC be taken seriously when it lists these as CV-19 deaths.

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  • Jake says:

    Are these for sure being listed as C19 deaths by the CDC? Is there a link to the actual data? Twitter is blocked at work, so I can’t poke around there… Info on co-morbidity of the sixteen people under 25 who have died in MN would be very interesting.

  • Brenda says:

    Do you have a direct link to this? I’d like to present it to our school board who is voting shortly to do more mitigation after holidays.

    • Kevin Roche says:

      go to twitter and look at justin hart’s feed, or go to should get an updated thing there. I will post something in the next day or so

  • Chet says:

    @Jake, I’m thinking from the graphic that the second column which includes “COVID-19” is what you’re looking for? And I agree 100% that it would be good to see the specifics like this break-down for the MN deaths.

    @Kevin, is it correct to assume that this data includes the MN deaths? And is there a specific data range that this covers? I see from the top it says “through 2021” but wondering at what point it was pulled?

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