More on the myocarditis and vaccines and young men front, this time in a study from Hong Kong. As have other studies, this one finds an above-background rate of myocarditis following vaccination in male children. The rate was much higher after the second dose than the first one and the risk was concentrated in older children, those over 15. All of the cases were mild, but it is still concerning that this is occurring, when the benefit to vaccinating these children is miniscule. (CID Article)
Here is a study from the CDC that actually looks a little more reasonable. It came from a large northwestern health plan and found that those who were unvaccinated were only twice as likely to be seen in an ER or hospitalized with CV-19, compared to the fully vaxed. This is a much lower relative risk reduction than is claimed by the CDC generally or by most “experts”, including those in our beloved Minnesota DOH. However, the study completely fails to adjust for age or other factors affecting the rates reported, which might make vaccines seem more or less effective. (CDC Study)
Moderna and Pfizer were compared in this large study in the VA. Moderna generally performed better across all outcomes. It does not appear that there were substantial differences in regard to either Alpha or Delta. (NEJM Article)
This study comes from the NBA, so a very biased sample, and a small one. But it looked at viral load across a couple of variants and vaxed and unvaccinated subjects. The testing was longitudinal and prospective so theoretically picked up most infections, but who knows, since we have had players with fake vax cards. Anyway, viral loads were said to be similar between vaxed and unvaxed testees, but the vaccinated persons had faster clearance. The difference in the proportion of high viral loads did not seem significantly different between Alpha and Delta. (NEJM Article)
Based on a very small sample this research claims that Delta viral loads in saliva are much higher than those of other strains. No controls on sampling at all, so simply not a credible indicator of reality. (Medrxiv Paper)
This study from the UK looked at risk factors for hospitalization and death. Over the course of the epidemic, case rates for both these outcomes have fallen recently, likely due to vaccination and better treatment protocols. Severe mental illness was the most notable risk factor for hospitalization and death, along with obesity and other serious comorbidities. (Medrxiv Paper)
The latest UK report on epidemic trends shows no real change from recent ones. Perhaps cases there are leveling off. The UK has some of the same issues with excessive testing that the US does. Reinfections are low, but now probably influenced by vaccination among those who were previously infected. Hospitalizations and deaths have remained lower than in earlier waves as well. (UK Report)
The UK vaccine surveillance report has also been updated. No real directional changes. Boosters appear to be having some modest effect on case reduction. (UK Report)
Until they start separating the covid recovered from the “unvaccinated” we dont have an honest look at immunity.
very true
Thanks for the concise yet thorough update. I wish I could make HS required reading for friends and colleagues.
Anyone who subjects their children to this medical experimentation given the facts now available should be held accountable, along with the doctor who performed the injection, as criminal.
A local private pharmacy in our area was offering free donuts for a kids who’s parents chose to have them participate in this experiment. People have lost their minds … it’s stunning to think that if you are hesitant about the government experimenting on your child, that a donut would change your mind !
This is a pandemic of the medically challenged and systemically unhealthy. Let’s move on … Every pathetically useless, nut job, researcher is lining up for the funding to waste more time and resources on frivolous bullshit studies, generating meaningless data. NBA player viral loads … they are laughing all the way to the bank !
Worth a look … I think he is running for office in one of the NE states. Good for us !!
Remember when there were large numbers of people dying of stress-related cardiac issues in WW1, WW2, Korea, and the ‘Nam because they had “post-traumatic living during a marginally dangerous time disorder”? Me neither!
But apparently the much more traumatic event of a respiratory virus with (at least) a 99.9% survival rate is causing many, many people to die of cardiac issues caused by … stress! What an interesting new development in human biology!
Let me just take this moment to remind you that the vaccines are safe and effective, and are totally proven that way by totally scientific science.
Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Safe and effective.
you are as usual dead wrong and hung up on your own fear of the vaccines. Be honest and regain a little credibility