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More Evidence on Masks and Transmission in Schools

By August 19, 2021Commentary

For those of you wanting evidence for school boards, if you just google you will find story after story of European countries refusing to mask students, or teachers for that matter, and some of those stories refer to official government research supporting the position.  And right here in the good old USA, from Florida we have data from districts where masks were mandated and where they were optional.  No significant difference in cases.  Only in America do we have government mandated child abuse.  And we wonder why we have record rates of child mental health issues and suicide attempts.

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Richard says:

    Can you link to the source of the graph? The underlying data?

    • Kevin Roche says:

      sorry, it is from Kyle Lamb on Twitter, you can also find it from Justin Hart’s twitter feed or Phil Kerpen’s. I believe it is Florida data.

  • Alex says:

    Not only in America Kevin. At least there are large pockets of resistance to it in the USA. Here in Canada, the entire country has dogmatically embraced masking cruelly sticking those amulets on children in the two largest provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Take the stupidity and incompetence of the USA and triple it here. Vaccine passports, restricting mobility of people who decline the vaccines and a disturbing trend towards mandating the vaccine despite growing evidence showing this may not be a wise policy. On top of that, the divisive rhetoric employed by the PM and other leaders would make any ‘supremacist’ proud. The man-boy Justin told the nation there would be ‘consequences’ if you don’t jab up. This country is incapable of looking at other places and drawing lessons from them – Iceland, Israel, Gibraltar, UK, USA etc. Instead, it seems to be focused on the tactics used on two of the most insane counties in Germany and France. And while we’re on it, what on God’s earth is happening in Australia and New Zealand? Appalling. Jaw dropping insanity.

  • J. Thomas says:

    No opinions from FLDS here, just links to info that you might want to check out before you head off to you school board meetings.

  • Bryon says:


    While I have been extremely frustrated by the path much of the United States has taken, I’m absolutely horrified at what is happening in Canada, the UK and Australia.

  • Don says:

    Interesting to note, among the <50/1000 there are 2X as many mandated districts than un-mandated.

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