Thanks to Phil Kerpen on Twitter for this chart. You can see that relatively speaking, CV-19 is a very low risk of serious illness for children, and most of those who die will have had other serious health problems.
A Lot of Things Are More Deadly to Children than CV-19
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Hearing reports that FL ‘pediatric case spike’ is actually RSV. Officials not saying the case are RSV are being disingenuous, rather than being clear they are not covid. This continues the hysteria. My wife is MN healthcare triage nurse and confirms they get a lot of tested and confirmed RSV, recently
Is MN dept of health doing similar obfuscation as FL officials/MSM?
I think he forgot being hit by lightening while riding backwards on your bike !
We need to free the children from the adult political games that are being played. Using them as pawns within the Teacher’s Union fight is sickening to say the least, potentially criminal and heartless under all circumstances. I read a great piece from Thomas Sowell’s Reader where he expresses the difference between professions that demand measurable and favorable outcomes to those who can get by with just ideas that don’t have to work, judged by their peers who have the same meaningless accountabilities. They are called career academics. They don’t teach how to think, they now teach what to think. Core knowledges have been replaced by self esteem. But on the bright side, the product they release into society can now demonstrate their lack of intelligence with confidence.
I would also argue that children with CV19 would not die if physicians would make an attempt to actually treat the pneumonia instead of burying their heads in the sand about possible therapies. But burying their heads in the sand is a lot less risky to the organizations the physicians work for.
Not one school-aged child has died in Minnesota and elsewhere. Almost none of them have had any serious infection.
Here’s Minnesota data, the actual experience over the course of this flu, almost 1 1/2 years. (Moreover, everywhere you look, the data is very similar.)
Minnesota Covid Data as of July 25, 2021
Age Group Cases Deaths % Cases % Deaths
0-4 years 14,672 1 3.37 0
5-19 years 99,180 2 22.77 0
20-29 years 112,783 14 25.89 0.18
30-39 years 100,368 55 23.04 0.72
40-49 years 88,016 129 20.21 1.69
50-59 years 85,765 372 19.69 4.86
60-69 years 58,061 898 13.33 11.39
70-100+ years 50,530 6,179 11.60 80.77
Total 435,594 7,650 1.76
By Major Race Group
Cases Deaths % Cases % Deaths
White 417,213 6,436 76.69 87.39
Black 48,600 387 8.93 5.25
Asian 25,722 308 4.73 4.18
Hispanic 52,516 234 9.65 3.18
544,051 7,365
(Most recent MN MDH Minnesota Dept. of Health weekly data: Don’t read the page, merely page down to see the important graphs.)
Schools and children have never been an issue but they, Walz, needed to say it to reinforce the hysteria, control.
Over almost 1 1/2 years.
Yet they traumatize students, force them to wear mask and be vaccinated if they want to go to school. Pre-K – college!
For the young and reasonably healthy, it’s never been a problem. The governor and DFL should not be proud: unbounded cruelty heaped on children.
Moreover, few are aware of this but the elderly only appear to die more frequently. If their Covid death rate is compared with the death rate at their age of death there is often not a significant difference.
Comparisons, CovidUSA Data Charts:
Minnesota, a hard locked up state:
Texas, an open or soft lockup state:
South Dakota a free state:
Florida, a free state:
And there is Sweden:
As charts and data document, there is little or no difference between a lockedup draconian state and a free state.
We saw the same at the Olympics. The authorities were abusing the athletes. Notably with masks. I look at those athletes wearing masks and know from studies their CO2 levels are 5% – 20% higher than they should otherwise be while never preventing any disease.
Makes one wonder if Simone Biles was especially sensitive to the CO2 increase and it introduced brain fog, lowering her athletic prowess.
They learned all about how useless masks were from 1918 Spanish Flu! 100 years ago. 🙁
Evidently the formatting doesn’t like spaces. This is easier to read.
Minnesota Covid Data as of July 25, 2021
Age Group…………..Cases………Deaths…..%..Cases………..%..Deaths
0-4 years…………..14,672…………..1…………….3.37……………………..0
5-19 years…………99,180……………2……………22.77……………………..0
20-29 years……..112,783………….14……………25.89………………….0.18
30-39 years……..100,368………….55……………23.04………………….0.72
40-49 years……….88,016………..129……………20.21………………….1.69
50-59 years……….85,765………..372……………19.69………………….4.86
60-69 years……….58,061………..898……………13.33………………..11.39
70-100+ years……50,530………..179……………11.60………………..80.77
By Major Race Group