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Minnesota Finally Changes Its Death Reporting

By July 6, 2021Commentary

For over a year I and others have pointed out the difficulties caused by not reporting deaths on the date they occurred.  DD has now received confirmation that DOH did in fact see the light and change its reporting to date of death.  Why now?  Why with no notice?  Afraid of making it obvious that you should have done this from the start?  There are a bunch of other reporting changes that were needed in regard to hospitalizations, cases and tests, so maybe there is hope on those as well.  I would like to say better late than never, but the DOH should have been doing this from the start.  Here is an excerpt from the email confirming the change.  Sounds like what we have been saying all along.  DD will be looking at revising the cohort analysis with the Minnesota data; should be much of a change.

“On July 1, MDH changed the way we share COVID-19 death data, shifting from reporting by the date the death was reported by MDH to the actual date of death.
By reporting actual death date, the timelines on our website will provide a better representation of what is happening with mortality related to COVID-19 over time. This change also aligns with how we report other data, such as cases by specimen date.”

You don’t say.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • George O'Har says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for many months now and very much appreciate your concision, logic and integrity. I do have a question. I hope I’m not mischaracterizing what you’ve said here, but you seem to dismiss concerns people have about the side effects, immediate and long-term, of the mRNA vaccines. Now, some people are simply anti-vaccine. You can call them strange, wrong-headed or foolish. But what about Dr. Robert Malone, or Michael Yeadon, each of whom has voiced concerns about the vaccines?

  • J. Thomas says:

    Why is it important to ‘correct’ the dates on false death reports? When will all of these be audited and scrubbed for primary cause of death? It’s common knowledge that this is a global root cause in their ‘fear’ campaign and needs to be brought out into the light (Lisbon style) !

  • Darin Kragenbring says:

    Apparently the DOH has now found the resources to be able to report the actual date of death. I presume it’s too much to ask that they provide the cycle-threshold count for these positive cases? It is maddening to wait this long for basic information that could and should have been provided from the start.

  • Joseph Lampe says:

    Looking at the corrected deaths table, we can see that the porndemic ended in MN in mid-February.

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