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Happy Thanksgiving

By November 26, 2020Commentary

Back before this blog became part of the coronamonomania, I always used holidays as an occasion to remind people to focus on what is most important in all our lives–family and friends.  Live is all too short and goes by all too quickly and the moments that give us the greatest joy are with those other humans with whom we share this ineluctable and ineffable journey.  So please allow yourself, require yourself to find those moments today and relax and be happy.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

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  • Steve Gerads says:

    Happy thanksgiving! Thank you for all that you do.

  • Alex says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Peggy A Lewis says:


    It may be worth your time (And I’m hoping for your opinion based on your ability to discern data and its source validity) to take a look at Ethan Yang’s
    – November 26, 2020 essay:

    I feel that the editorial team at AIER have done a decent job of outlining, with TONS of essays, the situation of lock down and its lack of merit. Of course they hosted the main signatories of The Great Barrington Declaration so they have been almost black listed.

    In the case of yesterday’s essay by Yang, it lays out how apparently Johns Hopkins, posted the study then turned tail and took the news letter down from Twitter, as a sort of “fact check,” dismissing it as dangerous or some similar nonsense. Of course such censorship will go largely into the time vault of ALL THIS YEAR’S rampant censorship of dissenting scientific views regarding the pandemic.

    As an aside,I found this quote from a study while clicking around on of all things, scientific attacks on research involving climate change. I laughed out loud at the irony of this statement:

    “Attacks on research matter because they have become routinized and institutionalized. In the United States, for example, former Senator Jeff Flake’s annual “Wastebook” reports name and mock specific research projects, including those funded by the National Science Foundation. In 2017-2018, the Australian Minister of Education, Dan Tehan, went even further, secretly vetoing funding to 11 humanities projects nominated for award by the Australian Research Council. He later mocked the titles of specific research projects via Twitter. On social media, popular Twitter profiles like Real Peer Review tap into the anti-science, anti-research zeitgeist, targeting humanities scholarship by cherry-picking and ridiculing particular sentences from abstracts and articles”

    This has indeed, come back to bite with some really, really big teeth.

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