Readers have probably realized by now that I try to occasionally insert a little lightness in a time of immense seriousness and peril. I like to use a little sarcasm, irony, exaggeration, mockery. When I referred to certain individuals who seem hell bent on ignoring obvious facts and destroying our economy, social lives and health as the Axis of Evil, I was only engaging in slight comedic exaggeration. We have a group of people in this country who are fundamentally ideological and driven by political considerations above all else. They root for the epidemic to be bad; they want high case and death numbers; they want jobs lost; they want businesses to disappear; they don’t care about the impact of their reckless policy recommendations on minorities or low-income people; and most importantly, they ignore the devastating health consequences of the endless lockdowns they would inflict on the country. This is the very embodiment of evil. So I am very serious when I refer to the individuals who promote these actions as evil. People have to be held accountable for the real consequences of their actions. People are what they do.
But you aren’t hearing as much from the Slavitts, Osterholms and Kashkaris of the world these days. They were desperately praying that the high cases in the South and Southwest would continue, that their absurd predictions of greater deaths than New York and New Jersey had would come true. They are greatly disappointed that the epidemic wave passed in those areas, as it always does. They are looking for some pretext to continue actions that damage the country, so that they can further their political interests. They have no regard for real science or data, that might lead to sensible policy. These people are an obstacle to our ability to recognize the true status of the epidemic and employ the appropriate balance in minimizing harm from the epidemic with not causing greater harm through supposed mitigation actions.
I don’t know and can’t predict what will happen next in the course of the epidemic. Will we see continued waves of cases, rising and falling? Has it receded to background levels? What we do know is that this is not a particularly lethal pathogen and our actions to suppress it not only are futile but have inflicted unprecedented damage to our people. Those actions to date have been largely irrational, and we need to change that. Ignoring the Axis of Evil will help.
The sad part is I see a lot of friends on Facebook who were pretty much hoping for significant cases and deaths after things like the rodeo in Effie, the Sturgis rally, and the 4th of July “marches” across Northern Minnesota. These people have become so hateful that they couldn’t care less if people die if it gives them a political advantage or proves them “correct”. The real virus that has greatly metastasized over the last 6 months isn’t COVID, but hate among leftists of anyone who disagrees with them.
The monkey business is downtown Minneapolis becomes an excuse for the Blowhard to not show up for the Minnesota virus briefings, as if he’s busy turning the dials on the Minnesota National Guard.
So the focus shifts to Malcolm and company: keep those dying flames of anxiety and paranoia going a little bit longer. Even though it certainly appears a different wind is blowing, it’s 66 days to early November, and the political risk (or opportunity) for all of them not looking so good.
To accompany your thoughts today, see Jeffrey Tucker’s article posted yesterday at AIER, the American Institute for Economic Research. He is your brother in arms and by all accounts a sharp reviewer of Covid-19. His final thought is about Gov. Cuomo and his recently published book which should give us all heart palpitations.