Our states continue to compete for the most absurd policies or statements in regard to the epidemic. Wisconsin may have the new winner. Apparently a state agency told employees they have to wear masks on zoom calls, so that they send the right message. (Wis. Story) You can’t make this up, this is like an SNL skit (when SNL was actually funny). What is the “right” message–I am a moron and so is my boss. I surround myself with the virus even when sitting in my house. The mask delusion marches on.
But we shouldn’t feel too comfortable here in Minnesota, our brilliant, meaning a light bulb placed in the middle of his skull would shine unimpeded out his ears, commissioner of (un)Employment and (un)Economic Development wrote an editorial in our supposed leading newspaper in which he whined that we really need to renew the $600 a week excess unemployment payment, because Minnesotans are still out of work and need it. This ding-dong, who is supposedly responsible for advising the Dictator on economic issues, did no analysis or studies before the lockdowns were enacted and was shocked at the depth of job loss and business closures. It is your and the Dictator’s fault that those people are unemployed and you haven’t done a thing to bring back all those jobs that minorities and low-income people lost.
I eagerly await the next pearl of wisdom emanating from the drooling jaws of our political leaders.
You only need about 10 seconds of this: https://youtu.be/hXydX9p_ZxA?t=75
Washington Post reports that Minnesota was one of the states that objected to the $400/week unemployment benefit in Trump’s Saturday executive order. $100 of the benefit was to be funded by the states, and our DEED guy explained we didn’t have the money to pay that part of the bill.
Minnesota’s unemployment coffers ran out of cash last month. So while Commissioner Grove is whining the $600 benefit needs to be extended, he objects to the $400 benefit because Minnesota doesn’t have the cash to pay their share. Wonderful to see someone direct policy decisions someone else has to pay for.
You are right, he is unable to connect the dots between policy and impact. An inability to see that maybe the continued strangulation of the Minnesota economy would eventually cause severe financial issues.
So Steve, maybe time for you to put on your big boy pants and explain to the Dictator the relationship between economic activity, employment, payroll taxes, and the benefit to the state. To continue on the same path means Minnesota is just driving further into the financial ditch.
Unbelievable #%?!); !
I was finally laid-off last week. My job is heavily dependent on large events, so I knew it was only a matter of time.