This information is again taken from data available on the CDC website. As everyone should realize by now, this is an extremely bifurcated epidemic. For reasons known only to the CDC, it uses different age groupings on different data sets, so it can be a little tricky to harmonize case and death numbers. Collectively, children age 17 and under, account for 5.8% of cases and about .04% of deaths (note that one section of the CDC website has an error calculation on deaths from 0 to 4). Adults aged 65 and over account for 19.2% of cases but 80.5% of deaths. Looking just at deaths, according to the current CDC data, there are 112,226 deaths where coronavirus was one (and we know now from some studies, that it usually isn’t listed as the primary cause of death) of the listed causes of death. 171 of these occurred in people aged 24 and under. This population cohort is 104 million strong. The death rate is .00016%, 1.6 per million. I keep making the point–there are many, many other more significant causes of death in this age group. Looking at those 75 and older, there were 67,027 deaths in a population of 21 million. That is a death rate of .32 percent or 3200 per million. The difference in death risk is 2000 times.
Mindboggling to look at and think about why there would be such an extreme difference. Older people are generally more susceptible to any disease–less strong immune systems, less physical reserves–but this is truly an extraordinary spread. But then, the fact that CV often isn’t the primary cause of death may be a clue, these were often older patients who had a short time to live in any event due to other illnesses.
The research and data would strongly support your view of a bifurcated epidemic, that the risk to healthy people under 50 would be low and easily managed today. But every day we hear of young, healthy NBA/MLB/NFL athletes (presumed to be very healthy and all under 50) who are opting out of returning to their sports, with virus fear and anxiety seemingly running rampant through these leagues. As a result, there is this daily “cognitive dissonance” moment, where data would suggest the impact of the virus is lessening, but examples every day of athletes announcing they won’t be participating this year. So what’s the deal with these athletes and their agents and team doctors? Do they know something that isn’t being spoken to the public? Why so much fear? Is there something I’m not seeing or understanding?
And the virus fatigue continues.